Clan Division Ratio

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -__TyroneSparklepants__-, Dec 27, 2013.

  1. I see lots of complaints lately about EE match-ups. The reason the devs have a hard time with match ups is that there are so many variables with the match up system. It is always going to have some flaw or way to get around the system. I don't really care personally, I think clan strategy is part of war, so match ups play just as much of a part as warring itself but this would be a way to improve it.

    In regards to the Guild Hansel, SOS lvl 1 Hansel usage to lower match ups the devs should look into the following which for lack of a better term ill call the Clan Division Ratio.

    When formulating match ups they use total clan CS, BFA and BFE. This allows clans to alter one of the 3 stats to an extreme to create "unfair" match ups.

    After doing their typical math to pair similar CS, BFA and BFE clans together they could do just 1 more simple equation for each of the three stats:

    Clan Division Ratio CS = Sum CS of all Players / # of Players


    These numbers are then compared for each individual player of the team as such:

    Player 1 CS Division = Player 1 CS - Clan Division Ratio CS (make numbers positive)

    This provides a number which characterizes how far player 1 is away from the clans average. This is repeated for all players.


    Lastly you Sum up all the players personal Division Numbers in the clan such as:

    Clan CS Division = Player 1 CS Division + Player 2 CS Divison....

    This number can be used to match clans together that have similar CS division meaning that clans with a large spread in CS would be paired next to other clans with large CS spread. I believe this would make matches much more fair and fun as matched clans would be similar CS and CS spread.

    Below is the math of two clans to prove the concept (I am doing this only for CS although it would be done for BFA and BFE exactly the same):

    Clan 1 Division Ratio CS = 10, 10, 10, 10, 8, 8, 6, 1, 1, 1, 1 = 66 / 11 = 6
    Clan 2 Division Ratio CS = 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6 = 66 / 11 = 6


    Clan 1 Player 1 CS Division = 10 - 6 = 4
    Clan 2 Player 1 CS Division = 6 - 6 = 0


    Clan 1 Player 10 CS Division = 1 - 6 = -5 = 5 (make all numbers positive)
    Clan 2 Player 10 CS Division = 6 - 6 = 0


    Clan 1 CS Division = 4 + 4 + 4+ 4 + 2 + 2 + 0 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 = 40
    Clan 2 CS Division = 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 = 0


    The same would be done for BFA and BFE and all 3 divisions CS, BFA and BFE would be added together to make the overall Clan Division as such:

    Clan Division Ratio = Clan 1 CS Division + Clan 1 BFA Division + Clan 1 BFE Division


    In summary. If the match ups were all done like the current way but this extra step was added then thy system wouldn't match Clan 1 with Clan 2.

    You would match Clan 1 with Clan 3 which is maybe a 34 Division . Since Clan 1 and 3 both have a large division it would mean they both are using a larger stat differential aka large attack and small guild hansels. This would prove to me a much better match up than Clan 1 vs Clan 2.

    I think more people would be happy with the matches if this was taking place. It would also allow clans that wish to war with all mid-range players to not get matched up against clans with large / small players as often.
  2. Thats a very good idea! :D support i think that would help the devs SOOOO much more, also means u can prepare for you opponents better as u r in the same division!
  3. Wow. Very well thought out. So many people have been complaining about match ups, but yet none offer a solution. This seems pretty solid to me, but I am not known for my math skills.
    I'm not sure if this will actually fix the system or whether it is possible to implement this, but good job. 
  4. It makes a much more controlled system, it brings in a sort of league type feel to it, clans could aim for divisions just in general to show that they're better than everyone else etc :D
  5. I wasnt intending for the word Division to mean like playoff style :) I meant it more of how far apart a clan is divided from itself AKA how far a clans players are away from their clans average. I appreciate the support though :) just wanted to clarify that.
  6. Awesome idea! Support
  7. Why not email the devs with this credible solution?
  8. I think the CS should include stats through Halle's though....
  9. How many wars have you actually done on that acct? except 1 I can remember you in that ps clan.
  10. Wow. Awesome idea ️️. I read the whole thing, and I think Devs should try this out.
  11. You realize that this is similar to what the Devs call, "hit ratio."

    This system you're suggesting is interesting. Are you also suggesting the Devs get rid of hit ratio when conducting matchups?
  12. Dang who knew I sure the hell didn't know this.
    Thank You!
  13. I think I have done so many drunken rambles through email that they put me on the junk mail filter :lol:
  14. Yeah i havent looked into the math on hit ratio to see what exactly they are doing with it. Would be interesting for them to publish the entire equation for match ups. I think the kawmunity could definitely look it over and help them test it, like many open source programs get great ideas.
  15. Well then SUPPORT!! If that helps...
  16. This is a good idea. Support. 
  17. I only warred with them once. Ive done as many chaos wars as the current times allow though and have noticed many times where we had a medium size clan and couldn't hit the top 3 or 4 of a large/ small setup clan. Although i consider that great planning I can see how some say that's a bad match seeing as we couldn't hit some of their biggest or their smallest guys.