A Clan Guide Disclaimer: I serious advise anyone who is thinking of starting a clan, to think again. Long and hard. This is not the time to be starting a clan. Loyalty is mostly non-existant, with players just sticking to clans that run the best Plunder Wars or the best paying Epic Battles. If you are starting a clan though, heed my advice... Contents 1. Starting your clan. i. Who are YOU? ii. Skills and requirements iii. Name and description iv. Positives/Negatives 2. Running your clan. i. Titles/ranks ii. Recruitment iii. Admin/Leadership iv. Alliances 3. Activities. i. 'Real Warfare' a. System b. Off system ii. Epic Battles iii. Plunder Wars 1.Starting Your Clan. i. Who are YOU? So.. who are you that wants to be the leader of a clan of up to 100 people? Why do you want this clan? If you're a new guy in KaW wanting a clan 'bcuz itz c00l', then please leave my thread right now, you should'nt be creating a clan under any circumstances. Maybe you want a clan because you think it'll make you look powerfull? Well, a clan of ten inactives just makes you look stupid, so don't just dive in for that reason. Maybe you want a clan for you and your friends to hang in. That's pretty cool, but if so you don't really need this guide, you and your mates will likely all be equal and not need a full guide on how you're gonna run a clan. This guide is for players who've played for about a year, have the necessary experience, perhaps have been an admin or co-leader before, and feel ready to step up their game. Perhaps you're pretty seasoned, and want to start training lil' guys. This guide's for you too. ii. Skills and Requirements Let's be real. If you have little manpower and stats to your name, people just aren't gonna give you the respect you need as a clan owner. You want to be at least T3 BC, with about a year under your belt. You're going to need time (clans don't just become successful), patience (you'll meet difficult people), good knowledge of the game (you'll be asked for advice), and a good attitude (makes you more likeable). It's good to have some friends too, perhaps friends with another clan owner who'll become real close allies to you and help you out. If you've got these things, then get ready to have a crack! Oh, you need 100 Nobility or 3 Billion Gold too. iii. Name and Description The name of your clan is important! The first thing that turns me away from a clan is a non-capitalized name. *cringe*. It makes me think that the owner could'nt be bothered to press the shift button. Take my clan for example; would you prefer 'the silent uprising' or 'The Silent Uprising'? The second? Yes, correct. Also, i prefer names that are not futuristic, and are in context with the game, like 'Disciples of the Blade', as opposed to 'DRUNK3N MAST3RS'. Another one their, dont use 1337 speak in clan names. Naming your clan after yourself is fail vanity too. The description, then. Its not a place for a huge bit of Emoji art. Sure, put in a little one, but you need some info down their too. For example, are you a PWarring clan? Do you advocate farming? Do you have join requirements? Honestly, that space down there is golden, don't waste it. iv. Positives/Negatives List time Positives: ~You'll always have people to chat to ~You'll make great friends ~It's rewarding seeing your clan grow (really) ~You'll have back-up in fights ~Being a SUCCESSFUL clan owner does make you pretty cool Negatives ~It's blinking difficult sometimes ~It's time consuming, can be stressful ~Needs your full attention at first 2. Running Your Clan i. Titles/Ranks Lots o' options here! Stat based ranks, custom titles, or similar titles. Stat based ranks are cool when your whole clan is kitted out with them, but they're incredibly difficult to maintain with growth and things. If you are having Ranks, make sure they fit your clan name and theme. so a clan 'KaW Pirates' might have: 500k-1mil Powder Boy 1mil-1.5mil Oarsman 1.5mil-2mil Lookout lad 2mil-2.5mil Cannon crew 2.5mil-3mil Bosun 3mil+ Cap'n Some clans like to have separate ranks for attack builds and spies. Custom titles are simple; if someone wants a title, they tell an admin what they want, and it's given to them. My favourite title system though, is the Similarity plan. With each member having a unique title relating to his name and 'a thing', so my clan are all relative types of girl scout (though not many are in clan right now). ii. Recruitment This is where things get difficult. It is very hard to gain permenant members these days. The three main recruitment ways are: Posting clanless people on the battle tab, Posting WC, and a clan recruitment thread on the forums. Battle tab first then. This is what i did as a noob recruiting for my clan. I had 100k attack, 70k defence and that was about it (this was in T3 days guys. Remember that? No. Didn't think so.), so i was recruiting similar stat people to myself. I got quite a few, and went from there. Simple. That doesn't really work as well these days though. WC advertising is the way to go. Set up an Epic Battle and advertise it with it's name, your clan name, and something exciting. Add emoji in too. Make sure not to post in more than three times in five minutes though, or you could be silenced!Some of the people that come to help will leave you, but some will stay, and this nu,ber builds up as your clan does larger and larger epic battles. Forums.. just aren't the way to go these days unless you're like, a leaderboard clan. Otherwise, nobody cares. iii. Admin/Leadership In my most humble opinion, Co-Leadership doesn't work. It's far too complex. You can have a head admin and whatnot, but not a Co-Leader. I like to have a council as authority, and it should always be an odd number, so if votes are drawn, a conclusion will always be reached. At the start of your clan career, don't just give out adminship. People have gotta earn it, and don't give it out by stats. There are people and clans out there that try to ruin clans by kicking all members then leaving. I can't give much advice here, it's up to your discretion. If you trust somebody, give them admin, but don't have more than say, five admins. When first leading your clan, and you do not know everybody very well, you should command quite strictly, so that people know not to disrespect you, but as your clan matures and progresses you can relax a bit, to the point when I don't even run my clan anymore, it runs itself. People come and go, but they always come back, they're visiting friends and want a PWar whilst we're doing an EB and et cetera. Leading is hard to start with, but now i could go on a month's holiday and it wouldn't make any difference iv. Alliances You'll see clans out there with lists upon lists of clans as their allies.These people have just gone down the battle list posting the owner of every clan they see, who has agreed just to add another name to his list too. No, only make allies with a few clans, who you know well. These clans will help you in war as you will help them. They really are priceless. 3. Activities i. Real Warfare a. System Whether to solve a strife, just for fun or as training with a sub clan or friend, these are your average 48 hour war. You agree the rules with ypur opponents and honour them out of good sportsmanship. Simply, the players with the highest net plunder (all the war tax on attacksand steals collected) at the end, win. b. Off System These are proper wars. This is how it was done when i started playing. Two clans just thrash it out on each other over a disagreement until an agreement is reached, one clan backs down, or it just peters out over time. These wars have not set timescale,and can go on for days, weeks months in some cases.There are no rules here, players get stripped, the full 24 crystals a day can be used, and full carnage ensues. Pure brilliance. (<3 ZiG Warfare, Go ZiG!) Note: Beware, real wars of any kind can make or break a clan. It can bring the clan together, with friendships strengthening, or it can break the spirit of the clan as players leave in shame, or to get away from the war, sometimes never to return. ONLY WAR WHEN YOUR CLAN IS READY. ii. Epic Battles The long awaited 'PvE System'. Your clan thrashes it out against AI enemies, using attacks, scouts, steals, assassinations and potions to bring down health bars of monsters, soldiers, walls and more. These are great as there are many for different strength people. Personally, I think that these are the best means of growth for a new clam. Plunder Wars The plague of KaW. These are likely unavailable to new clans as you need a gppd size OSF (at least a million spy atk and defence) to attract players to your clan. It's unlikely you'll have such an OSF at the time of clan creation. I do not support Plunder Wars, so if you are unclear on what they are, or how to command one, you'll have to look elsewhere. This concludes my guide on clan creation and leadership. If there's anything you feel I've missed and and would like me to add, please leave a comment below. Yes this is a very weak account, this is my PC account. I am xx-daTomoT-xx. Please would you leave support and constructive criticism. Trolls not welcome, grammar nazi's are welcome. Please correct my spelling. So.. whaddaya think? 'tis my first guide ~daT.