Clan Alliance Chat

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Wintern0va, Oct 10, 2013.

  1. Alliance Chat Channel
    By: Wintern0va

    Time and time again I have seen this requested and all the posts are **** and not thought out at all...

    I understand palringo is a great app to have and I myself love it, but many people before have requested it so I thought if give it some justice.

    Clans In an OSW are often caught out of sync with their allies because of mis communications or no communications. Wall posts or DMs are not good enough.

    The suggestion brought up again is an ALLIANCE CHAT. Not to be mixed up with the ally chat. This is a chat feature clans can be placed in by another clan.

    I would suggest however that to create this it must cost some Nobs (Around 50) for the starting clan and then they can use it however they wish... Up to 10 clans may join unless another 50 Nob is paid by some clan within the Alliance Chat.

    To Add a clan or to be added an invite will be sent by the founding clan of the Chat and the entering clan must pay 10 Nob to join.

    This is only fair because the Devs will have had to work their ass off for this feature and it's not easy to set that up.

    This way the devs are rewarded for their work and we get what we want.

    I know this will have some hate and people saying just get Palringo, however wouldn't it be nice to have an IN APP Chat that actually is what you want it to be and not just Ads... You can add friendly clans and other clans... And save yourself from only seeing Ads but instead seeing fellow mates.

    Obviously each chat will be monitored by the owner of each clans owners, and owners can only silence those within their own respected clans... I already see the devs complaining about how hard it'll be to code;) sorry guys only a suggestion.

    -DaKiller- Addition

    The Alliance Button

    This button could be used to view a clans alliances and to declare alliances.

    To prevent spamming of requests to a clan; A clan could block another clan from putting in a request.
    To accept an alliance request; The owner and 2/3 of admins must accept the alliance request.

    Here is a rough example of the button

    Pros: Being able to distinguish true alliances from fake ones
    Could be used to find out a clans connections

    Cons: Wouldn't be able to say when hitting someone " I didn't know we were allies"
    A Newb clan could spam requests for alliances

    Anyways, this could always be revised some how by forums or by player base

    From Resilience

    I'm not sure if anyone remembers, but a group of us went to another game, and in the game they had roles inside their alliance(clan) system called a Mass Mailer. This would allow that player to hit a button that highlighted all the members inside the alliance(kind of like when you press the Select All button when editing your inbox). From there, you could uncheck who ever you didn't want to send the message. Then when you sent the message, it opened a completely new message box which would act like a conference room and all the players in the discussion room can talk back and forth in there. If you wanted to not receive the messages anymore and didn't want to participate in it, then you can delete it from your inbox and you would be taken out of the room.

    I saw it used in many ways, like holding a council meeting, planning attacks, and activity checks(they would just delete the message to show they're active). I'm sure if this was added, it would eliminate the need for that third party app we all use, and it would be very useful.
  2. Re: Clan Alliance CC's

    Devs will be so mad as this requires correct punctuation and spelling
  3. Re: Clan Alliance CC's

    I just made a thread about that
  4. Re: Clan Alliance CC's

    Yes but yours was awfully written and wasn't clearly laid out...

    You are Welcome for doing this well so it can go to this section.
  5. Re: Clan Alliance CC's

    I wrote something on another thread that might can go for your idea as well,
    You should know, that it didn't matter if you left the alliance after you created the room. It stays with you until you delete it.
  6. Re: Clan Alliance CC's

    Devs I apologize for the 3rd party reference it just had to be used for people to understand

    And to you R

    The Discussion room is absolutely a perfect Idea and since this is on the front page I wont Add it to my section. I just felt like it would be easier to code if the devs did a Chat where you add Clans instead of single people. But if they can code it that way then absolutely im all in.
  7. As Kaw_Admin has said in this post, there might be something here with this idea.
    Posting Da Killer's stuff for posterity. viewtopic.php?f=18&t=147466
    Please continue discussion of Alliance and Alliance chat in this thread.

    Discussion Point:

    Compare and contrast the two threads and come together to present a united front for an Alliance system and how chat would work with this.
    Keep it civil and resist the urge to attack the opposition personally.
    ............. Go!
  8. I will be updating this thread sometime within the next few days for a new addition to the alliance chat feature so be on the lookout when it comes...
  9. I admit Winters thread was better.... But testosterone got the best of me
  10. Your additions coming soon here don't worry
  11. Ok
    Addition looks nice
  12. [​IMG]

    The allies page will open a list of your allies where you can select chat or slide to delete.
    The status button will replace the join button when you're inside of a clan. From there there will be 3 options: Ally, Enemy(Tying in the idea of a system osw), and neutral.

    I'll probably show an example of what it might look like later, but look at the time. :shock:
  13. Def addings these into my thread when I get on my laptop thanks Res
  14. [​IMG]
    This is one of the few ways I see alliance chats being added. I thought of the possibility of it being a new tab, but that just won't work. If it was just another tab, then I'm assuming when you send a message all of your alliances will see it so take this scenario into consideration.

    You're in Clan A with Clan 1 and Clan 2 as an ally. Clan 1 and Clan 2 aren't allied. When you send a message, both Clan 1 and Clan 2 will see the message but Clan 1 and Clan 2 won't see each other's messages. Now think of both Clan 1 and Clan 2's allies and them sending messages. It will just get so confusing when you see someone reply to someone else's messages but can't see it... I just confused myself.. :lol:

    But yeah, with this way, it will be a nice and clean chat with no confusing conversations on the side.
  15. Your choice of colours is crap
  16. Bye nivans leave
  17. Choice of color isn't a big deal. Just read the content. There are some good ideas in there.
  18. I like the idea support
  19. Support this idea is great.. Good job
  20. You're supposed to put reason behind why you support it.