Clan Ads

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by HauntedbyApathy, Nov 26, 2012.

  1. To all you people who are constantly posting your EB ads twice in a row, I ask this:

    Wouldn't it make more sense to just post one ad.
    Go hit your EB or scroll through WC and look for people saying 'I need a clan' and post your ad on their wall.
    Then, once your EB ad disappears off of WC, go ahead and post your second ad!
    I feel like this is not only less annoying to the rest of us, but it would also be a more efficient recruitment strategy. You get your ad in WC for longer, and you're not breaking any rules!
    It's a win win! Is there any way we could make this a game mech- that you have to wait until the first ad has gone out of world chat before you post the second one?
    It only takes TWO MINUTES to wait..
    Support, or no?
  2. R E S E R V E D I guess
  3. i support anything against spamming clan ads :p
  4. Or you could post no ads? :lol: support
  5. And as usual the op's cp is riddled with ads for wcī’ī’ī’ī’
  6. Same as pinky or we could split wc in 2
  7. I just saw OP post an ad in WC lol
  8. Cp- Clan Page