There's some...stuff going on in KAW right now. It's like a Civil War going on. And there is two sides, OG KAW Players and what would be equivilant to a KAW Millennial. And the millennials have got to go. Anytime OG players want to have a good time ignorant ass millenials keep screwing it up. Can't do jack! Can't do JACK, without some ignorant ass plucking it up! Can't do nothing! Can't make some original content thread open more than 100 posts. Grand opening...grand closing. Can't see cool posts on the front page... WHY? Because KAW millenials are talking about HOW THEY CAN CHANGE KAW. Discuss.
Adopt communism Reinstate the gulags Commence genocide of the human race Death camps and death marches for all KaW saved
The millennials are the way of the future. Their talent is beyond measure. You must honour them, Willy.