City of the Dead Info

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by S1L3NT_G0R1LLA, Dec 24, 2011.

  1. This is my guide on how 2 beat 'City of the Dead'. Enjoy :)

    Phase 1-

    Army of Undead: 250,000 (Attack/Assasinate)
    Hit to 0

    Haze of Evil:
    30,000 (Use 'Angels of Light')
    Hit to 0

    100% (Scout to 66%)

    Phase 2-

    Army of Undead:
    250,000 (Attack/Assasinate)
    Hit to 0

    Undead Gurdians:
    40,000 (Use 'Seal of Divinity')
    Hit to 0

    Ghostly Artifacts:
    75,000 (Steal)
    Hit to 0

    66% (Scout to 33%)

    Phase 3-

    Spectors of the Accursed:
    50,000 (Use 'Holy Wrath')
    Hit to 0

    500,000 (Attack/Assasinate)
    Hit to 0

    33% (Scout to 0%)
  2. Good job!!
  3. Add to Wulf's guide. Would be easier to find i think
  4. What is the EBs time limit?
  5. Did anyone get the permanent item during it, also I would recommend for spies / hansels I made 32m first steal 
  6. Did anybody in your clan get a permanent item?
  7. Didn't notice godly's post :roll:
  8. @Hapio
    Make a guide on the one your doing afterwards?:)
    Great job
  9. Thanks for the info, pls say if it's tougher than No quarter? Seem it takes the same duration to complete with same total plunder
  10. Seems like a ***** to beat.
  11. In addition you must won city if death first to have items drop to use for the epic "figure of death". The plunder for FoD EB is so big 400b total but it will cost u too much energy.
  12. You get the perm items DURING THE EB
    All I do is spam the repeat button so I wouldn't notice.
  13. Ty haplo. Keep this bumped above the spam
  14. How long is it?