CircleOfElementals Vs. Cursed foundery

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Shiro, Jan 27, 2013.

  1. Which is better,?coe or cf?for money.
  2. Reserve
  3. coe is better for money...and in my opinion, just better in general.
  4. For money, CoE, but Titans better than both for money.
  5. Coe has the better build I think for a bigger player as there not growing as much just in ally's cf not so much as it onlys helps with attacking
  6. Noobs giving noob help.

    If you are concerned with gold, go with CF not COE, don't listen to these morons.
  7. care to explain the logic behind that?
  8. Sure. I had 48 Coe 1 SOS then switched to 48 Cf. CF made more from ebs!

    People still haven't figured out that the actual damage you cause in an eb relates directly to your reward. CF do more damage than Coe. Simple logic.

    And if you're wondering the pay out difference when not hitting an it 49 Coe, 48 Cf, or 48 titans, when hitting the same target pay between the three different builds is less than 2mil per hit.
  9. coe does almost as much damage as cf. the end bonus cannot be that much higher.

    it is certainly not enough to make the loss of stats worthwhile.
  10. Ok go waste the nobs yourself swapping builds around to test it. Let me know what the results are
  11. i'll pass. going to stick with my instincts on this one. even if the total for the epic is higher, it cannot be that much higher.

    and besides, by build isn't about making gold.
    a coe build has a 26,104 point advantage over the defence of a cf.

    and a cf has only an 8,816 point advantage over the defence of a coe.
  12. Total plunder gained from a TL>COE>CF. Although the diff ia low but gold is higher for coe than cf. Buildwise it depends on your style which you like to use. I personally prefer balanced buildings like COE.
  13. So, what you should take out of this is that there are many ways to build. All valid. Each building was designed with its own strengths and weaknesses and just this one question is not enough to help you decide what you should do. Talk to more experienced players who are not so quick to throw the "noob" label around. What works for ebs will not always serve you in war. Different kinds of wars also need different things.
  14. Lol.

    COE give more stats, and 2 extra hits and unload, so you need atleast one.

    Damage doesn't affect your eb payout AT ALL. I have a guild hansel who does hardly any damage and bears HLBC with ease.

    CF is not worth it. It's a 25k attack increase for a 40k defence loss.
  15. When you get bigger the CF's attack bonus is useless. This account can hit 2-3m defence with my 300k attack. Why? BFA and equip, although you'll have slightly higher attack to hit your enemy, you'll have lower defence so you can be hit easily. So it just cancels out.