Christmas Promotion Ideas

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by devilakb, Dec 22, 2013.

  1. Hello Everyone,

    First of all thanks you devs for those free crystals and nobs and wish all my kawers Happy holidays.
    Like the title says I would like to suggest some pointers from my end as Christmas promotion similar to the those done during Black Friday

    1. 100% plunder bonus for few ebs like - HTE, Regular haunts, TSG, Revenge of warbeast, Smoke Signals - this way everyone can grow and get ready for next season
    2. Discount in seal and nobs prices - You all obviously know how this will help :p
    3. New crystal promo packs like 6+3crystals at same price etc. (asking too much :-D)
    4. Increase in number of moths dropped per eb..( Yehh bring me the new weapon ;-))
    5. Crystal limit per day increased.. Wohooooo

    Your comments and suggestions are welcome guys. Also please post your suggestions too.

    Once again, Happy Holidays and wish you all a merry Christmas and a Happy New Year in advance.

  2. No offense tho, this moths event is bc of christmas, i agree with 2&4 number 1 would be nice but keep it on like 50%? even while i dont even need that but yea, im already happy with event thats going on
  3. support... also I would add somthing where you can send x mass gifts to friends such as nobs, xtals ect..