Christmas Cards to an injured American Soldier

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by NS_King_of_the_Warriors_NS, Aug 31, 2015.

  1. I know this is off topic but this is where you can send a Christmas card to this christmas. Our injured soldiers shall not be forgotten. I am a United States Army Veteran of 1-32 Infantry 10th Mountain Division. I did a combat tour in Afghanistan I have seen my brothers become KIA's and WIA's. So when you send your Christmas cards make sure you include one to here or if you don't send any just buy atleast one just to let an injured soldier know you are thinking about them.

    Edit: Address will be updated soon please be patient

    Please no negative replies these soldiers signed up like I did and wrote a blank check in their name up to and including their life.
  2. Support. I was actually thinking last night about this.

    My cousin recently went to boot camp, and I was like "when I write him, I should add another letter for one of his friends."

    For someone who doesn't have the at home support, or anyone at all to write them letters.
  3. its september
  4. Support, and extend it to all countries, remember your nations soldiers, that risk their lives to help to keep you safe whilst you write your cards.

  5. It's never too early or too late to help a veteran :p
  6. It doesn't just have to be a Christmas card take time to write a letter. I am sure they would appreciate it. When I had a seizure in Afghanistan I got sent to Germany I received a blanket that someone made and I still have it I keep it up because it ment a lot to me because someone took the time.
  7. Full Support

    During our tour of Iraq we got given a box of treats and goodies. Was definitely a boost to morale
  8. What about injured Iranian soldiers. Can we leave them Christmas cards too?
  9. Oh noe don't do that you'll be labeled a sponsor of terrorism
  10. Oh wait forgive my political incorrectedness. Yeah you can! Now that obama's gone anti-israel :p
  11. My cousin was going to be sent to Turkey, but then something got messed up with some paperwork or something like that and now he is in Germany. He said it's nice out there, am thinking about joining myself. I support this, great way to show troops our support. I want to be a mp, took the pretest on Friday and I got a 72. Hopefully by the time I take it I'll do better.
  12. Support. These people fight for their lives, so that others can sit comfortable and call them murderers.

  13. Lol
  14. I am no way sayin that no other countries soldiers shouldn't get cards or letters I am an American veteran and I support my military this thread is mainly for American citizens obviously. No disrespect to any other countries.
  15. Meh. I would rather write to a Jihadi. It would give the opinion of the other side who are so commonly ignored and stereotyped. Dont get me wrong I hate war and extremism but your soldiers and the Jihad are the same species, and commonly from the Abrahamic religions.
  16. Like I said don't disrespect my thread as far as I'm concerned your a terrorist
  17. veterans, active military members, military families and American civilians remember to use OPSEC. You never know who is playing this game a terrorists could be on here no joke.
  18. Wow you are a joke.
  19. You say equality=terrorism?
  20. OPSEC - There's a phrase i havent heard in a while.