childhood memories

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by lIlIHANDlIlIOFlIlIlIDEVILl6969, Jan 29, 2015.

  1. Hi guys this is a thread where you can post some of your most memorable moments from your childhood through teen years. It can be your first car, first date, etc.

    I will start us off
  2. He wasn't my uncle!!! :cry: :cry:
  3. >be me
    >Be 14
    >Bring shrek 1 and 2 to class
    >Tell teacher we must watch shrek
    >Teacher makes class vote for which movie to watch
    >shrek 2 has majority vote
    … >feelsgoodman.jpeg
    >Then, Francis pulls out Despicable Me and hands it to teacher
    >Everyone in class votes for it and laughs at me
    >Teacher throws my shreks back at me and puts Despicable Me in DVD player.
    >As the disc loads, I hear loud footsteps from outside. The rumbling shakes the desks and chairs.
    >The smell of onions filled the room.
    >Suddenly, naked Shrek bursts through the wall and looks at DVD menu of Despicable Me in anger.
    > “Ogre m’aye dead bodeh”
    >Shrek throws two onionades at the tv and kills the teacher and a deaf girl.
    >”Dohble Keel”
    >Shrek punches through a kid’s chest, pulls out his heart and replaces it with an onionade
    >kid explodes.
    >”Treeple Kehl”
    >Shrek grabs Francis as he tries to escape and bends him over.
    >He pulls out Francis’ intestines through his butthole and ties an onion to it.
    >Shrek then tosses the onion out the window and Francis is dragged out with it.
    >Francis falls 8 stories to his death.
    >Shrek turns around to rest of the class.
    >He quietly whispers, “Thees is the pahrt whehre you run away.”
    >Entire class jumps out of windows to their death.
    >Shrek turns to me.
    >He looks me in the eye and smiles.
    >”Bet yeh weren’t shrekspecting thAt.”
    >”I-Is it….ogre?” I ask.
    >”It’s ogre when Aye say it’s ogre”
    >I fall to my knees at his majesty.
    >I was ready to please Shrek.
    >He pulled out his massive ogresized eshrekt onion and lodged it in my throat.
    >My eyes filled with tears.
    >mfw they were happy tears.
    >Shrek let out a loud ogre roar as he filled my esophagus with sour onion sauce.
    >He pulled his onion out of my mouth but as I wiped away my tears, I noticed he was already gone.
    >Shrek is love, shrek is life
  4. I remember being orange. I dont see orange anymore. Maybe its too convict-y.
  5. I don't think his real name was randy either. And I never got the candy I was promised.
  6. That poor deer, parents should teach there children to stay out of the pollar ice caps.
  7. *their not there
  8. Thank you 
  9. You're most welcome.
  10. What the hell did I just read?? 

    Ogrekill ftw
  11. I started this like "oh wow its Bambi I rememb- holy ****" and then giggled like an idiot for 5 minutes
  12. I liked the part where Bambi's mom got shot
  13. Some of my fave childhood memories are the old JRPGs of snes and playstation days. Love them like crazy. Especially the official sound tracks! Music back then in games were memorable and catchy. I can hum every single note of those songs.

    Nowadays i cant even remember a original song from a next gen system. Its all about flashy graphics and showing off how good it looks. Not about the story, gameplay and emotion that games make you feel.

    As ive been unemployed for the past week and a half, ive had alot of free time to go back and play such games as chrono trigger, final fantasies, secret of mana, ect. And im loving it.
  14. Hmmm.. Probably school and kaw and some other games I played
  15. Downloading kaw.