Discussion in 'Strategy' started by --Night--, May 21, 2012.

  1. I am starting a campaign to stop people discriminating against chickens. Far too many times I have had jokes about me and one time somebody tried to cook me! This is rude and hurt!
  2. Num num num....

    ....Chicken Soup :D
  3. Butthurt chicken
    No eggs for lunch I guess...
  4. Still people are rude I will poo on u
  5. I like making omelettes out of your poo, after I crack it and cook the yulk or whatever it's called
  6. For all you perverts out there, I'm talking about an egg.
  7.     DELICIOUS !
  8. This thread = a fail at trying to be funny. 
  9. Umm I guess the op hates me a ate chicken for dinner
  10. All those poor defenseless chickens dead because of you now
  11. Lights BBQ prepares sauce *grabs 22cal to shoot chicken*

    Huh what never , you don't say.
  12. Re:chickens are people too

    *shoots chicken* oh no I shoudent of done that
  13. I AGREE 100% Chickens deserve their rights just like humans

    Fight for the chicken rights
  14. Thank you and besides all you people should eat beef instead
  15. Nah, we get milk from cows

    From chickens we just get other chickens!
  16. Why did the chicken cross the road?

  17. Dude.

    Your comb stats on your banner fail.

    (attack and spy are separate)

    And this thread is a waste of time.
  18. Chickens aren't people; they're chickens. Hence the name, "chickens". :|
  19. I just ate a Chicken Sandwich, it was yummy.