Cheese's Guide to Feedback

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by cheesemuffin, Aug 23, 2011.

  1. This Guide has two parts

    I. Making a feedback thread

    II. Posting feedback


    As we all know (or come to learn), when an author in FanFic writes a story, they do one of two things;

    1) Allow feedback to be posted on the story
    OR (not reccomended)
    2) Make a separate thread for feedback

    For starters, there are two things you should NOT do.

    1) DO NOT say "Post whatever you want here." It will result in spam, spam, and more spam. If you want to actually get feedback, SPECIFY that the thread is for feedback only.

    2) DO NOT make the feedback ON your story. Soon enough, it will be too crowded to read what is the story and what isn't, and nobody'll read it. This option is ONLY recommended if you're a first-time writer and just want to write something to see what people think. For a full-sized story, this is NOT ADVISED. EVER.

    When you make a feedback thread, you have to do 2 things:

    -This does NOT mean "FEEDBACK", this means "Feedback for ________"

    2) Make sure people know what to post.

    -This means saying "post only feedback here," or "post feedback and chat about the story here"

    It is very much advised to let people know when you're posting the next chapter, part, episode, act, WHATEVER, of your story. I've been there: If you don't tell people when the next chapter is, your readers will start to nag, and nag, and NAG. Give them a date to look forward to, and don't EVER keep them waiting.

    Artist's depiction of angry readers. The wave is the readers, the three dots are the writer

    Posting Feedback

    How could posting in feedback be hard? The truth of the matter is, it's not. The problem is, some people can't do it right.

    [/b]I.[/b] BE RELEVANT
    -Please, for the sake of yourself, ad for the sake of the writer, don't EVER post irrelevant stuff on a feedback thread. If the author allows it, you may, but for the sake of keeping it a feedback thread, post actual feedback.

    -Simple as that. Don't. Do it. EVER
    Artist's depiction of trolling feedback. The wave is the author's rage, the dots are the troll

    -Feedback is criticism. It comes in two forms: constructive and destructive.

    Constructive feedback can be as simple as "good chapter, keep going!" and can get as complicated as "I liked this, this and this, but you can improve this, this, and this." CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM IS MADE TO HELP PEOPLE. Negative, or destructive feedback is hurtful, like "Boo! Your writing sucks!"

    Feedback is the backbone of almost any story here on FanFic. It is crucial that the author of a story knows what's good, what's bad, and what can be change in their story.

    This ends the Guide to Feedback.
    Watch this get stickies :p
  2. Because this has no hope of being stickied,

  3. It's a pretty good guidr
  4. *cough* READ THIS* *cough* *hack*
  6. Bump for teh academy