since cheese was rejected from TN4U, I am leaving too. I am cheese's personal apprentice, as he is the best blacksmith in KaW.
No. No more RPs. I want FanFic back on the list of AT, I want the RPs deleted, and I want to be able to read stories again!
*sigh* Can't even go to school nomore... What's happened. Why are you leaving. RPs will soon be dead. The 40k post will be it's last.
Meh... I tried cheese. I did. They're too thick skulled. They don't want the good tn3u/tn4u back, they want to kick you and game out, and they want to argue. Thanks a Lot reg
Well I really don't want you guys to go. But it's your own choice. Just know that at least one member of TN3U still likes you guys.
TN3U is being deleted in a few days, anyway. Apparently, our creativity was too much for Tn3U and it was OP and went against the RULES. When the hell did TN3U ever have rules!?
Omgwtfbbq It's not possible! How could dis happen? Tn3u isn't tn3u, it's been forced to morph into ! (chocolate pudding, that's so stale it has a face on it)