Check it out, and give an opinion!!

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by -DaveStrider-, Jan 14, 2012.

  1. Tires squealing along pavement. The bone-jarring crash that followed. Screams and shouts.....the pain, oh the pain.......screams echoing in my ears, a dull blackness obscuring my mind. Red and blue light flashing......sirens screaming into the night. Cool air rushing around my body. Gruff voices that I couldn't quite make out. "Stay with us.....stay with us...." A soft bit of comfort....."God..?" I mumbled, my mouth full of cotton. I felt a slight prick in my arm. "You'll be OK." Said a voice, before the pain closed in and my vision wnet black.

    Give me your opinions! I'm open to suggestions!
  2. TS;DR? what's that?
  3. Too Short; Didn't Read

    It's too short to have any substance. The writing style is great, but what else is there? I have nothing to judge!
  4. I'm one to agree with Cheese.
    The bones are there, now you need the skin.
  5. I think he intended to give only bone. It was enough for me to look back if this stays bumped.
  6. Guys, it was meant to be just a snapshot.
  7. @joey_A: I'm not a he. :roll:
  8. ^I have a suggestion.

    Get your head out of your ass, get an education outside of homeschooling, and then quit KaW.
  9. @CoS_DJ_Smiles

    I'm actually one of the best writers in my school.......

    Lmao I'd like to see you write something.
  10. CoS-DJ-Smiles** Sorry I'm bad with names Lmao
  11. You sure (rofl)
  12. Btw here's my opinion: this is really stupid
  13. Oh yeah, so you're going to go and hate on everything I do and make.
  14. It was okay, but a couple of things;

    1. Use paragraphs, it makes it so much easier for the reader to understand. People tend to skip whole blocks if you don't use paragraphs.

    2. I don't think you understand the concept of italics? Maybe I'm mistaken but they weren't correctly used here.

    3. You use ellipsis' to build suspense. I guess it was okay, but you used them too much.

    There was a couple of other things, but that's mainly it, I did enjoy it though!

  15. No even if I didn't know you I'd say the same thing
  16. It's a good style. But again, Holo, use paragraphs. It's much easier to understand. And it's in italics, so I assume it's a flashback...? That's how certain writers do it.
  17. @Phee....I wrote this is (I think) 4th grade xD So I just kinda slapped it on here.....lmao