Discussion in 'Wars' started by *AgainstCheatingKAW (01), May 10, 2013.

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  1. Many clans are cheating these days in EE WAR!
    The keep changing the roster afther matchup! They can do this with messing arround with Allies during the EE WAR!

    You see for example hansels jumping from place 21 to 18 in roster!
    This is not allowd!

    A clan who is doing this is The Hit Squad! Devs should take action! But so far they do not react!

    PLEASE DO SOMETHING! They make othere players losing the fun in the game!
  2. That's not cheating, it's a very effective strategy. Track them better, or have your clanmates block them to reach them without having to work to hard.
  3. Kudos for posting with your main :)
  4. Or people drop build during it too... Not really cheating because the devs has it in the mech that people can drop build during war but not build. And it makes them even more weaker to help you :D
  5. So... You can't do **** to stop them... Why?

    Hit them, fool.

  6. Statless alt= not worth reading. 
  7. Ever thought maybe they judt hav gold out from an ally sale or somethin and bank before war begins so as to not have gold out? The Hit Squad is a very respectable clan and I gurantee they dont cheat. Een if ally hire is on purpose for that goal, tis still not cheating. Crying in forums wi just get you laughed at or farmed. Im sure someone will see this and think" hm i like his allies" and you might wake up naked. Highly advise forums is the wrong place for this 
  8. Op=butthurt....what's with all the crying on forums bout ee wars this, and ee wars that, what do you what, just stupid straight forward wars with no strategy or mechanics, things like this make the wars fun, adapt and overcome, not, whine and cry.....
  9. Effective strategy? You are matched up according to your BFA and stats, correct? So if you get matched up for that amount, but then change it drastically, that would be considered unfair wouldn't it?

    I don't EE war though so I don't have much credibility in my opinion. But by using common knowledge, it does seem to be a form of cheating. But oh well. Will have to leave it with support to decide whether this is against the spirit of the game or a legitimate strategy.
  10. That's not cheating...
  11. its not cheating...just a tactic
  12. Devs monitor bfa changes :lol:
  13. His main is in crouching tiger hidden dragon.
  14. [​IMG]

    Ah you little cutiepie you!! Need a hug?
  15. "Cheating" No. Smart.

    Grow a Pair or We don't Care!

  16. Everyone is claiming tactics and strategy when it is something as simple as a large ally being bought before a match up being made. You log on and discover this and go shopping to bank your gold. I dont know about you but when shopping for allies it takes a little while to find good ones. Especially when known ally shops are most likely closed due to the war being soon.

    I have had this happen two or three times only difference is I dont have enough bfa to matter. So my in clan rank didnt move.
  17. If it wasn't allowed it wouldn't be happening. It's not cheating.
  18. BFA CHANGES AFTER MATCHUPS ARE MONITORED BY DEVS, idk what is the point (how much have bfa change) when they will penalize clan, but its danger fór CLANS which do it......
    and yes its not allowed change BFA during wars :cool:
  19. If it's not allowed then shouldn't they make allies not droppable or buyable? Seems kind of dumb to have an ally bought have 300B out and get KOED and lose like 100B in the process.
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