Cheaters are bad

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by LULEGANATOR, Nov 27, 2011.

  1. cheaters are bad
  2. Why thank you for this incredibly deep, useful, necessary thread in strategy!
  3. OP got owned . KaW is made to be cheater-proof 
  4. Op
    Your absolutely correct !
  5. @krazy
  6. @krazy
    I'm not Cor. He's green. But thanks.
  7. Oh. Sorry
    Is that a tag now?
  8. Yep. Read clan info.
  9. There's so many people in The Observers that I hate. Starting with Justin_Bieber (//_-)
  10. I'll drop her. Been meaning to for a while now anyways.
  11. Haha. Is she inactive?
  12. Yes.

    I just realized that if I stay up and drain my battery now, I won't be able to get on as soon tomorrow and I might get some work done.

  13. Errrr. Thanks for this pointless thread... I think....
  14. @A_Z
    Kaw isn't cheater proof. I know how to make easy gold but I won't tell anyone nor do I use it.