chat room

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by 4A6F73-HEX-687561, Oct 16, 2011.

  1. This thing is for you to come and talk to fellow kaw members and talk about everything cool and awesome about kaw if you would like to talk to me wall me on my account.thank you and have fun
  2. What? REALLY?!

    STICKY! This is WAY better than walls, PM, or WORLD CHAT! xD
  3. Bypass name :wink:
  4. Why would I?
  5. Commander,

    Ask the devs.
    Wtf and ftw are not bypasses... :D
  6. You shouldn't have made this thread tbh.
    But don't worry about your name. I think 'wtf' is like the only one that mods/devs don't care about.
  7. Wt* is. (the first part). Ask the mods and devs. I already did
  8. I reset and countnt think of any over names
  9. So? There are plenty.