Chat on Wall :o

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by 7Danny, Oct 25, 2013.

  1. Hello peeps at KaW HQ here is a simple suggestion for your socially designed game. Add a public chat box on everyone's profile were players may talk to each other as if posting on each other's walls but done quicker and more effectively. Thank you for reading.
  2. Isn't this called Private messaging someone?
  3. "Public"
  4. Isn't there a PM already? If you want to talk to a whole group then talk on a certain person's wall or on WC. This, I am not supportive. It will decrease the amount of Nobs bought. Not beneficial to Devs.
  5. ^ who buys speakers anyways? You get them everyday..
  6. Lol, this is already made
    It's called Private Messaging
  7. Well I'm so sorry it's "public" clearly I'm not the only one who thinks it's like PM, maybe you should put more thought and effort in and maybe people will understand what the **** you mean