Charms & Equipment

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by crawler77, Aug 10, 2022.

  1. Forgive my ignorance, but what role does charms and equipment play in the game?

    I have a bunch of equipment that I have won from the legends, however, have not upgraded it all to max level.

    In that aspect, is it better to keep the equipment with highest stats or is it better to transmute the equipment after it has been upgraded to max level?

    I’m very new to charms and don’t really know what they do to stats except that they improve them somehow.

    As far as equipment goes, I figured since I am attack heavy, that I should be keeping equipment with high troop atk stats.

    Am I thinking wrong about this, or is this one of those “there is no right or wrong way” type of things?

    Please help me. Kind of lost here.
    Ice likes this.
  2. If I were you, I would just keep equipped the items with highest stats, regardless of attack or spy heavy. If you have a bunch of aqua to burn, lev the other pieces to lv10 also before transmuting. If you are low aqua, you can lev to 4 for pretty cheap then transmute.
    As to what role they play in the game, they are just a way of boosting your stats, and that boost is static. So high charms help your account stay strong even at the low ends of your troop and spy bars.
  3. Oh, and don’t transmute equipment dropped from epic battles. The stats they would give as charms is irrelevantly small. Just transmute extra charms from legends that you don’t need to equip.
  4. The new equip from legend seems like it's getting harder and harder to get to lv10
  5. Nah, just bad luck for you I have to guess. I leveled the current event stuff to lv10 on main and a couple alts and didn’t have trouble.