Chaos Wars need BFA monitoring

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Davey_Jones, Apr 25, 2014.

  1. Chaos Wars need BFA monitoring

    The new exploit that is being done in the chaos war is signing up with multiple ssh (shadow hansels that can hit above dts line), and then dropping BFA until they go below the dts line.

    This allows their clan to match clans with people above the dts line, then after they drop BFA the opposing clan has no targets and will inevitably lose the war.

    The most recent example of this I can offer is in the war Rising Hawks vs. We Will RP U. In this war Rising Hawks had 3 SSH, 2 of which dropped below dts line after matchup. This gave 4 people on our side, one target to hit. This left the remainder of the clan outnumbered 7 vs. 10.

    How do I know this is being done?

    During the war --_Chierry_dTwiNz_-- had an ally purchased, and proceeded to purchase -xXMlI0IlUIlSIIElIXx- from our roster. This put --_Chierry_dTwiNz_-- above the dts line and we were able to hit her for a few seconds before she dropped -xXMlI0IlUIlSIIElIXx- (losing approximately 250b lol). This put her again out of our reach.

    During season 1 BFA was monitored. Refer to this link:


    From this link we get this quote from kaw_admin:

    I suggest you begin monitoring clan BFA numbers again out of fairness to all participants. I have nothing against all SH clans, but clans should face people which they can hit. This isn't the only incident where this BFA altercation has occurred.

    Trolls on this thread will get a full unload.

  2. No idea why hire/dropped to go below dts line on a war that was 99% un-winnable to us (sh roster vs 4/1/6) 

    SS coming soon 
  3. I emailed devs about this issue a few days ago and got the generic response.

    "Although we cannot provide details regarding action taken on other users' accounts, we will investigate this situation and take appropriate action."
  4. How about u the devs just scrap dts/dtw with veil of evasion. It's a total fail. Considering some wars used to be this way, plz spare me the big fix, we gotta test excuse.

  5. It's strategy you to can practice this strategy...
    It doesn't matter what you think of the practice it works they use it to their advantage they are better gamers
  6. I agree should be monitored better.
    I'm big fan of ee, but if clans keep doin these kinda exploits it will eventually fade away just like pwar.
    Maybe even ban or penalize in some way they clans and especially members who are doing this.
  7. Chubby how is it strategy?

    It's more like cheating than strategy.
    Don't take rocket science to drop an ally to be below dts.
    If u think that's strategy then u must be high and should pass dat shiz
  8. Chubby it would be strategy, except for the devs have a stance prohibiting it- which I quoted.
  9. That's ****** up troll.good ss, makes it very obvious
  10. It happens commonly during ee wars. This is just our luck that we got a ss of it .

    Sadly devs wont do anything about it because they dont care as long a certain player base is happy. Will just have to war with only sh now since I cant get 6LB to go againts the big boys 
  11. Wars are flawed in so many ways, and as the devs don't do anything about it at all, the problem grows bigger and bigger, and takes longer to fix, as new issues keep popping up.

    Y'all should boycot wars, as I and many others already are doing, so that hopefully (and also a bit doubtful) devs will get their fingers out
  12. Anyone who gives props to clan that uses exploits to get an advantage is a moron.

    The fact that some of the big war clan with massive win streaks do this is sickening. I don't think that using an exploit to gain advantage makes anyone a better gamer. It makes them quiet the pathetic gamer. It also is a display of how weak they really are that they need to use such tactics to gain such an edge.

    Not saying all the big clans are doing this to gain edge. I have faced alot of the big EE clans in war. I respect most of those I have faced. I've faced the LB/SH rosters and fought hard against them knowing chances of winning were very slim.

    At first I had an issue with SH rosters that had 2-4 big tanks and all small SHs to get a match up favor. To an extend it still annoys me to no end. But with the mass number of SHs in the game there is no shortage of SHs to get on your roster. The shortage is big tanks.

    Get a group of pure spies with unholy aura cast and sit on all RH sh indefninately.

    Strip during war? Yes
    Steal full bars before matchup? Yes
    Steal full bars after hiring trillions? Duh


  14. BFE was also another topic that ppl complained about. Clans dropping equip for match up advantage. Well if they take it off it stats off till after the war. So who cares if they wear equipment or not. BFA should be treated the same way. You should not be allowed to hire and ad BFA after match up. I have no problem with hiring allies after match up is made. I just think it should not change the stats to make someone able to hit higher or drop out of range. Ofcourse that would take a coding change and highly doubt DEVS will do that. Easiest fix would be to freeze ability to purchase allies or sell allies after a match has been made. Treat it like equipment. I don't really support that idea as some ppl just hire allies as a war to bank their gold. Others so it to exploit the system.

    I have no real good solution for the problem of BFA other than a code change that makes BFA static at start of war. Regardless of what the issues are with the system all the complaints and issues are being ignored anyway. I have accepted that the system is what it is. It has not stopped me from warring.
  15. RH cheats to win now that's funny
  16. I still war. I don't worry about match up any more. If I get lucky and get a win that's just awesome. If not I go in fighting to the end. I will continue you to war because its not an EB. It's real game interaction against something that hits back.

    You can choose to war or not. You don't have to war of you hate the system. For me I just accept it for what it is. It's hot garbage. Some admit it when they get matched. Others won't. The good clans who are out there and you know who you are. I've warred a good group of you nothing but respect. Others you are cowards and I don't think you could fight your way out of a wet paper bag ripped at both ends. See ya on the field soon. Probably in another bad match up. But you'll know I was in the fight win or lose.
  17. Problem is I don't want to boycott wars, I enjoy them. I just want to have more fair matchups and stop bfa altercations to prevent totally unfair matchups.
  18. I've said the answer many times here:
    If you want a fair war, you need longer wars.
    Anyone can cheat and manipulate for one hour, most can cheat and manipulate for two hours, but only a real loser will cheat and manipulate for 48 hours.
    Old sýtem