Chaos Reborn - 28 vs 23 and you LOST? What happened?!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -Tr1-OnThe-Battlefield-, Oct 1, 2013.

  1. Chaos Reborn - you were leading most of the war - big lead!

    6 GH from Rising Hawks could not hit anyone - no more 'GH magic' on disposal for RH for this war...

    GUESS WHAT? Seems like Rising Hawks DO NOT NEED GH to WIN! There were - outnumbered and underpowered and KICK ASS AGAIN!

    I BET whiners will still keep on whining about Rising Hawks and so called 'GH Exploit'

    Summary: Rising Hawks is TOP EE clan!
  2. Oh yeah.. lets the tears start flowing!
  3. No match Found and Division 1 are good also
  4. No one gives a ****.
  5. Nooooooooooooo!Like Rising Hawks isn't one the LB for a reason!That would be madness! :roll:
  6. Great post op .... Sure seems like you spend a lot of time on your knees stroking RH's ego
  7. I don't think it's their ego he's stroking
  8. Try hitting lbers. Nonetheless this was the most fun war in a loooooong time. Much respect to RH.
  9. Op your an idiot
  10. That guy said division 1 was good :lol: *looks at NMF vs D1 match scores* :roll:

    On another note RH won due to their LB warring duh.
  11. Wow... if they actually did something good, either say something nice or dont say anything at all.
    NMF is a good clan(dont get me wrong) but u guys need to criticize others less when they are successful. 28v23 cannot be simply due to the lb player. According to op, they were losing but caught up. To me, its not an exploit, its skill
  12. I guess whiners will always have something to say about winners.. It went on forever about RH and GH.. it seems it's gotta be RH and LB from now... Maybe for a change, someone can start suggesting what kinda Line up RH has to put up to "make" their winning legitimate...

    For me, RH is the one of the best clan out there... And their winning formula lies in good leadership in controlling roster and good discipline in every individuals to conform. Also, every individuals are hungry in each and every war... I don't think that they simply enjoy putting opponents down in every "walk-over" war to create a large plunder gap, but everyone just tirelessly gave their best in each battle they march into.

    I am sorry if i offend anyone in this post but credit should go to where / whom it's due....
  13. Not forgetting Credit to Chaos for putting RH on edge... good work and great war both clans!
  14. @ Hand of God; I hope you're proud about blowing out an average war clan who used barely any xtals, if any.

    @FreeFood maybe the problem was you were trying to hit the LB.... derp der derp. Auto fails, you lose a ton of troops... Lol.

    Rising Hawks is the best war clan. Everyone hates, tries to find excuses as to why they always win... " they use guild hansels" and now that they win without 1/5 of their roster, who were all GH, its "ohh their LB won them the war" blah blah blah, cant wait to hear the latest excuse. Maybe its strategy and talent.... NAH its way easier to give them no credit and give the credit to exploits that are readily available to anyone.

  15. We have had several wars like this at KotFE , which we lost.... in defence heavily outnumbering your opponents actually has the effect of not being able to get plunder as there isnt enough people to get plunder off. Having lb then reduces your targets to get plunder off even further
    Very easy to throw a critical judgment out there , but until you have actually been in a war like this and seen the effect it has by having so few targets to plunder off, i suggest some people need to think a little bit more about what they post.
    More and more clans are exploiting this, having a bottom heavy cluster of GH, then throwing a top heavy cluster of big lb players in their rosters, Great for them, must all be proud of themselves working round the system, but clans like CR and KotFE we dont force builds or have roster restrictions like these clans do. So when we war, we war as a team with family and friends , and have fun.
    CR you kick ass and im proud to call you family 
  16. Nice stats OP. Perfect for a troll.
  17. Good post Vix! completely agreed.