changed newsfeed on allies hired away

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by -Willpower-, Sep 26, 2012.

  1. Hi there, this is my first time creating a forum thread so hoping not many mess ups. I just noticed a nice change in my newsfeed which I believe will help players figure out how much extra gold they make from having an ally hired off them. Well done to the devs, I like this little update.

    Here is a pic of how ally hires were compared to how it changed into.

    Tried cropping the photo as requested, hoping it can be seen more clearly

  2. Kthxbai
  3. They changed the eb thing too
  4. So thats what kaw on a computer looks like...
  5. Lol dragon
  6. op, could you possibly crop and enlarge the photo so that we can see the difference?
  7. Nice. Good update.
  8. Yay just enlarge pic lol or hire my low ally
  9. [​IMG]

    I personally like it. It makes how the system works a little easier to explain.
  10. Oooooh, very nice update. :D