Discussion in 'Strategy' started by IlIIlllIlIIIlSLAYIlllIIIlIlIlI, Dec 9, 2016.

  1. Hi all

    This has been suggested a few times in the past and I think as the game is many many years old now a CHANGE YOUR BUILD DAY with 100% refund on buildings would be awesome so players could play about with different BUILDS from pure spy to pure attack and see the differences. It takes a lot of gold to adjust your build especially for players who have built from the beginning to what they thought would be the right BUILD for what they wanted but to discover the game changed and they changed the way they play to what they want out of the game now. How much harm can it do I can only see it bringing new life AND real money into the game as players have a new interest. So troll away all you haters and maybe give a thumbs up and support for all who would appreciate it!

    Well that's my 2 penny's worth I just hope the devs LISTEN for ONCE to what the long and short term players want?

    Happy KAWing all?
  2. Or they could start another account and build it they way thier curiosity inclines them. Personally i have changed build a few times and i dont th8nk its fair for a free build change day.
  3. 100% return will never be given in my opinion. Far too many ways to abuse it which we made clear in wc earlier on but you decided that you didn't like being told no so chose to ignore everyone ;)

    People who build up war builds would be cheated because others could just build up a towerless gold making account and then convert their account to a pvp/war build.

    Each account has their pros and cons and you are a long time player yourself so you should know the pros and cons of each build. You chose your build and you have continued to develop and grow that build. If you wanted to change it you've had plenty of time to convert it.

    We recently had a 50% refund day on buildings which is a lot more than the usual 20%. If you're waiting for 100% returns you could be waiting a long time ;)
  4. "A few times"
  5. Ive changed build way to many times to support a 100 refund...unless i was in fact refunded for each change ive done prior, thats somethingni can jig with
  6. so true
  7. Oky so make it 1hr long per person they activate a spell which can only be used on a certain day and it lasts 1hr giving you plenty of time to change build and have it not be abused
  8. The Last 100% refund was when towers were realeased 6yrs ago ish
  9. How bout people just build smart? I was attack build back in 2010 then got stripped spy (back when that was a thing) and was spy threw 2011 then to heavy towered attack build, then hybrid 2012-2014 then I quit for a year came back and dropped back to spy as OSW is essentially dead in today's kaw with ZTA and HTE strips aren't really that big a deal anymore. So basically what I'm saying is:
    If your unhappy with your build change it. Expecting a refund cuz you changed your mind is like spending money on bills then calling the cable company back later asking for your money back cuz you decided you didnt like cable and wanted dish.....
  10. These new building tokens reminded me of this