Devs please change the unnecessary 15 minute countdown before the start of every EB. If we need to regen between EBs we are able to wait and decide ourselves when best to start it. If we log on just as an EB is finished and have to wait 15 minutes it waste's around a quarter of our troops. I recommend integrating a pop out box that appears when starting an EB to give us the choice of how long the timer is from 1 minute to 15 minutes
Hmmm i like the idea of chosing when you want the eb to start. If you want regen you can have it. But if you just want to get on with next eb straight away. Support
The dragster names have been made on multiple games in multiple occasions, but rage quit numerous times.
Revamp war system first among many other things. But 15mins its not a lot of time at all go outside and stretch or something lol
Think about it There are a lot of clans who finishes ebs with in several mins What if that clan abuses this factor and does the ebs very very fast Then maybe the devs would lower the drop rates and some other bonuses This regen might be kept for someother reasons Just respect it cause they made it
@Nilelion "Respect it because they made it" is a dumb thing to say and if we all thought like that nothing would ever get improved