Challenge to ATA

Discussion in 'Wars' started by spookyrobbie, Jun 12, 2014.

  1. Dear ATA

    What I would like to know is who in ATA is managing the KAW application ?

    Why not can't they pop into the kaw application forum and step up to the plate by doing a Q
  2. You want them to answer thousands of questions AND try to improve the game? That'll slow them down.. Theres a reason we have kaw, kaw admin, kaw community.
  3. I think they killed kaw community
  4. Support spooky devs scared to show there true identity lol know they will get farmed for it
  5. Just google them and you can find out them people
  6. Yeah the devs do need to start interacting with the community much more, they seem to just appear drop bombs and not stick around to answer questions or even explain their decisions.
  7. I think he used ampersand, and lost his post..
  8. Q and A... About what the hell they are thinking? Support to that, time for them to step up and explain their game plan... We are the reason this app is even availableî„…