Cf to Cf

Discussion in 'Wars' started by DayWing, Jul 16, 2014.

  1. Oh all mighty CF please stop casing me to Cf. I mean....HELL, you are Cf. I'm sorry I ate your cat and I'm sorry I drank your grape juice. It's just was kwanza and I thought that was how you celebrated it! I just hope we can listen to some Sarude-Dankstorm and watch some DankMam Sam together. I think your wife here agrees with me. Oh, crap....I did it again CF CF CF! I plead DA fifth! I meeaaan, DAmnit! Well umm please stop Cf'ing me! It's just...I really like you cranberry farm, and this new game you introduced me to is amazing. I just HAD to pick those cranberries from the cranberry farm. But the. You ended up farming me. Kinda Ironic if you think about it. Just please let me be all mighty CF. Now watch in amazement as end this thread with a BB code failure. And probably bad spelling.
  3. Cf granted.
  4. Op, even without the bb code fails this thread is crazy lol.
  5. Сan you tell Cf to leave me alone?
  6. Probably not.... But who is cf? 
  7. I can't believe you don't know the all mighty Cf!
  8. Press the CF button 
  9. I....I'm not worthy!!
  10. :roll: yeh yeh move on
  11. I'm so confused :shock:
  12. bump for sake of at .-.
  13. Hello does this look weird? if so, please tell me
  14. What are you smoking op? 
  15. LMAO @ That person above me