CF request

Discussion in 'Wars' started by *kokololo09-- (01), Jan 24, 2013.

  1. Hello every one,
    Iam writing this topic to ask for CF from zaft , 5 day ago miss understanding happen between me and harbinger so I lost my sense and start insulating every one due to my anger. So I would like to apologize on certain people in zaft and I would like to thanks some others,
    1. I apologize to harbinger for my insult, i was out of my sense that time since it was late hour of my work shift.
    2. I apologize to magic stick for calling him noob,
    3. I would like to thanks Arabian wolf to talk with me and try to solve this out.
    4. I would like to apologize to other people who I insulted in my topic.
  2. This is me just wrote it on pc to reduce mistake.
    Thanks you.
  3. I thought you reset
  4. U were insulating them WOW that's big, boy does OP have guts to Insulate Zaft
  5. Hey man. It is cold in the northern hemisphere. I am sure half of ZAFT appreciates him insulating them from the cold. A good insulation in a drafty house will cut heating costs by 50%. Now since ZAFT core is supposedly from SG....that insulation probably made them too hot resulting in grumpiness. Therefore OP's trick to insulate them probably was not appreciated.
  6. Gotta love when people with perfect English skills pick on someone who doesn't quite have perfect English skills I'm guessing by reading this post you were either extremely rushed for time or that English is a second or third language for you so guys cut him some slack.
  7. It doesn't stop it from being funny though but theres no reason to be so anal over a few mistakes
  8. Nucken, I think it is the fact that its funny more than grammar police going to work.
  9. Grammar doesn't mean anything u can have a sentence completely devoid of grammar and still get your point easily across all grammar really controlled is the diddly bits like ,!?.-/():;" I mean a well spelt sentence is perfectly fine so long as you know what the words mean so every time I see some random fool make that age old comment "nice grammar" or any of those variants then I can't help but shake my head in wonder at the idiocy that is this world if u make a spelling mistake say nice spelling not nice grammar seriously I can't believe how many people do that.

    Ps this is basically devoid of grammar as there's only one sentence ending full stop and I only put quotation marks in to add a sense as if I just did air quotes with my fingers but hey u still perfectly understood me didn't you
  10. Wow! Grammar Police must have done a number on you. Just relax. Ignore the po po
  11. No not on me I just notice how many times nice grammar has been used in forums towards clearly understandable posts it's just a pet peeve of mine really
  12. Open a new thread n talk bout grammar there please! Btw how many languages do u speak? All of them native?
  13. Punctuation is a very small part of grammar. And although I agree with your point, your manner of putting is across was simply awful.
  14. Yeah soz just realized I should have worded this way differently but hey partied hard over the last 3 days it's my birthday and ima talk nonsensical bull sht if I want to but yeah my bad there.
  15. I speak English and partial gibberish but I'm quite fluent in gobldigook
  16. Although somehow I dot think these count and hey if you make a thread you can instantly expect it to be derailed at some point let's just be happy I did it in a nice way and not went on for hours calling the OP a whole heap of nasty things. Also I'm quite happy to not talk about grammar but silly comments where made towards my general direction and I felt obliged to reply to them in kind just like you would have if they had been said towards u seriously people whine about going off topic in forums when hey can u legitimately 100% expect it to stay on topic. No, no u can't so don't whine and cry when it does because that just turns into one great big non stop whining death match where no one is on topic and everyone is being nasty seriously a little forethought before posting. Hey will this piss someone off and if so how bad will the replies be
  17. Go bldy gook seriously how is that a swearword
  18. Stupid censors how in any way is that a bad word seriously it's something parents have been saying to kids who don't talk properly for ages so y did this game choose to censor it