cf pinky

Discussion in 'Wars' started by __LynxTamer__, Nov 28, 2012.

  1. Hahahaha u thought it was another cf thread with some poor new player being farmed by pinky no no it isn't this is made as a threat yes pinky I'm coming for u I've got a couple of friends who wish not to be mentioned (they have stage fright) so yes the point of this thread is pinky were coming for you
  2. Can they come after me to?
  3. Were just going to hit pinky
  4. Oh ya..forgot to insult you for being a stupid noob posting your stupid noob threads
  5. Yup that sounds about right
  6. Well if you want it to be a group v one why not we make it a group v group? I'd happily join pinky's group
  7. Just so u know: you bringing in friends makes in NOT a 1v1 and so if u bring in friends... Pinky brings in his friends too
  8. And pinkys friends are bigger
  9. Just so happens Pinkys my brother from another mother.

    And father.. :?

    Either way, you get my point.
  10. No wonder they're your 'friends' they're about as cowardly and pathetic as you.

    Cut the bull-**** about why they don't want their names listed. They don't want their names listed because they'll get their ass handed to them for ganging up on one player.

    I'll get Pinky to report each person who hits him, and I'll post their names here seeing as you won't.

    I'll also help strip them.

    Now get your sorry ass back in the corner, all this thread shows is that you and your friend are cowards, and that Pinky is so beast that he has to get multiple people on him for people to think they're doing anything.
  11. Cool story bro  Now say this in about two weeks after you've fought him...
  12. I expect pinky to bring friends
  13. Hey anarchy that sounds like a great idea I can't wait to see the names- I mean targets
  14. I call dibs on the biggest fattest mithed up atk build that hits pinky.
  15. So you expected him to bring in friends or you expected the kawmunnity to react like this since you wanted to start a 1vmany
  16. Lynx why hide? Let's get it out in the open and get it on.
  17. I expected pinky to bring friends I also guessed that the forumers would respond like this so a combination
  18. Oh and OP, at least one full stop or comma would've been nice thanks.
  19. Forumers respond like this because no one likes a coward.

    You're lost Lynx.

    Go home.
  20. Oh and you guys probably won't mind when half the forum hits you and them. Because you said that you weren't going to hit anyone except pinky... :)