Cf on luckstar...and allison?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by IIFIxXFloppies_VengenceXxIVII, Aug 24, 2013.

  1. Well like I said you respond to every one with hatred and ignorance you get farmed.
    A cf has been reached (thanks to his clan owner)
    Luckstar asked him to get the hits to stop is my understanding.

    Now to _alison_ , I got alot of inc from 3 hours ago but mechanics wont let me hit back says I am too strong for you.....guess you sold an ally.

    So I will ask you for a cf.
  2. I'm Floppy, and I'm a chicken ****.

  3. She sold a building.
  4. Hahahahaha! I doubt that very much:) luckstar would eat u for breakfast! And your telling us you were asked for a cf? Ohh dear lol I'm looking forward to your apology thread !
  5. True story, he went to his clan owner .
  6. I never asked my clan owner for a cf. LIAR
  7. So the cf is a fake? Man even my news feed believed it
  8. Its true, i was involved aswell. We hit back and forth for a day but a cf has been called. I'm much smaller but didn't lose out after being farmed for 1 failed scout.
  9. So was it a clan vs 1 thing then?
  10. No, he was attempting to farm so i scouted once to check his defences. An hour later i had 12 hits and 60 over the next 10 hrs. Obviously i fought back
  11. So I guess after all your talk you got tired of being pounded and CF'd?
  12. And Irish lies again. Go figure. Don't they always. Took many incoming before I reacted to
  13. How exactly are hitting luckstar? You would be a cakewalk for him. This just doesn't add up for me. Who knows what's really going down?
  14. @starspangled do any of us really know anything?
  15. Battle mechanics give smaller build the advantage.. So luckstar you gonna hit me and prove aint no cf?
  16. Good point lol I digress
  17. And 1 att 2 scouts from me got 15 inc, every one knows im honest and keep my cool.

    Your words betray you for what you are.
  18. Still no inc I guess its safe to say you dont want to violate the cf
  19. I'd be mad too if ghansel was burning my pots :/