Cella Dropped LB

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by godssolja, Dec 26, 2015.

  1. I just logged in, always check LB like always just in case I see anything strange and realize she dropped Lb to around 134. Guess that's what the update caught her in. Has top 20 of her allies @60T

    I don't know what happen . I suppose she got tired of the game and maybe going to play smash  just kidding. Maybe just done with the game.

    Any ideas why cella volleyed her allies? Or why she is quitting. That's what I get the impression of. Maybe she just don't want to deal with Lb. but what else do you had after you BC?

    Thoughts guys?
  2. Who cares .. Its not that serious. leaderboards will change 1 way or another.
  3. If you're truly concerned about cella you'd ask them yourself instead of speculating in forums.
  4. Why still overall number 1 though when totally out of allies lb??
  5. This isnt really new. Happened a few weeks ago.
  6. Overall lb favors battle wins more than bfa.
  7. Leave me alone
  8. Volley transferring gold to a different lb account.
  9. @Magic

    But Silph beats the Cella account in battle wins, allies, and value.
  10. I can only add that spy wins also are factored in, but other than that i dont know.
  11. That's ally lb:)
  12. So stop referring it to 'lb' as she has not dropped her overall position.
  13. ^Overall position is fairly meaningless though. Ally LB is actual power in most cases.
  14. Exactly
  15. Silph is rank 8 on the allies LB, which doesn't weigh very much. In other words, there's a bigger "weight difference" between 1 and 2 on battles LB than the difference between 8 and 135 on allies LB.

    Chances are that they are weighted by reciprocals of rank number (so 1/1 - 1/2 = 0.5, while 1/8 - 1/135 is about 1/8).

    Therefore Cella would be valued at 1+1/135, while Silph's value would be 1/2 + 1/8.
  16. Silph has more battles won and is higher on every leaderboard except overall i am very very curious why cella is ahead actually doesnt make any sense at all.
  18. I have like many. But yet no reply from the fallen god lol