Cease Fire III_MAC_III

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Azulean, Oct 17, 2013.

  1. Ehem. It has come to this. [/bold]

    I call for a cease fire Mister III_MAC_III.
    You obviously are stronger. More stats, more gold, more equipment. It also turns out you have more buildings! What a pleasant surprise. Anyway, a cease fire is called for. Too many hits. All my gold is gone :/. Collect my noob tears and move on! Find some other person to collect their tears and keep on playing. I'm done, cease the attacks.

    Enough Blood Has Been Shed
  2. The forums is where I've been directed to speak.
  3. Why… Fight to the death :lol:
  4. What happened to "getting the **** beaten outta you by the small 500k attack hybrid" :lol:?
  5. It must've disappeared along with my 20 billion gold.
  6. All thattalk on your other post and now this? tsk tsk tsk so much for big words not being backed
  7. stuff happens when you talk big but don't have the stats or the tactics to back the big talk up.

    Ninja'd :oops: :(
  8. I guess he came at you with everything he had and you couldn't talk the heat lol
  9.  only 24 hrs
  10. Basically you're admitting that you have a big mouth and will completely fold over once you actually get hit...

    You talk big, then get slapped a little on the wrist and then you cry...
  11. I challenge the guy who won cus I'm cool

    This thread is hilarious.
  13. Cf? What a loser
  14. Hi.

    on Mon Jul 08, 2013 1:24 pm
  15. Stop with the fake names now please.
  16. I agree with him^ it was cool with pancakes but its boring now