Catechism Wars Results: Week 7 Round 2

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Adande, Jul 19, 2013.

  1. Click here for results data in spreadsheet form.

    I would like to start by noting my inspiration for this series of threads. Although I had been considering making such a record for a while, I was spurred into action when I happened upon the most recent issue of Eons' excellent LB Gazette, which, while generally informative, was lacking in the panache that makes KaW data nerds like me salivate. Therefore, thank you Eons; your journalism has sparked my simmering interest in commentary.

    ====THE NO-MATCHES====
    Every war, despite the devs' best efforts to force us into a box, some ingenious clan finds a way to earn free mithril...

    Yes, that statement was for you, KoKIV. Your guild hansel clan forfeits so many EBs that I suspect you have a member with a twitchy finger. Either way, shape up and grow your ally pool!

    How in the world does a clan manage just 7M gold plunder in a war and then in a rematch two days later, come within 10B of a win?! We eagerly away your arrival to the spreadsheet, hopefully in the win column.

    ====THE MATCHES====
    16 wars were arranged in this round, and remember: the devs returned all crystals that were used during war. How kind.


    Here we actually have two contenders. MINAS MORGUL, a sub-1000 prestige clan, wins this award after pulling off a thrilling upset of No Talent - No Future. The 586,574,444 gold margin (1.80%) was the fault of MM member _zhipei_, who earned their 11 mithril purely on the 18 mithril spent to cast up for war. Most of the other members received a large prize for their award win.

    The other contender, Acoustic Sunrise, defeated Spartans of The under world by a meager 0.03%!!!!! That is, 12,639,633 gold - a single attack! Em3raldcity (171 mith) and Chief_Rekless (163) deserve the credit for their excellent effort in the win, also an upset. For this good fortune, AS wins the TOO CLOSE SHAVE AWARD.


    World War Z members promptly thanked chuba and all_my_allies for their absence in war by offering them a ride to the nearest cold, dark alley. Unfortunately for Wolves Reborn, they did not capitalize on their luck by maximizing their payouts in a notable manner.

    -ART-OF-WAR- played a fairly standard -tug-of-war- against KotFE- Assassins. Both clans brought their A-game, but AoW ended up with their third win in a row.

    Pillars of Chaos was carried to a firm victory over S.O.T.R.A Rising by lXl-BloodSword-lXl (172 mithril) and Blazar (197!!!). For that monstrous effort, Blazar, you have earned the STRONG WARRIOR AWARD:


    -Elysium- managed a successful rebound from their earlier loss to BG by tearing up Zero_Tolerance, which has now reached a three-game losing streak :( ZT, time to add cajones to your name.

    NIGHT'S WATCH of CASTLE BLACK has snapped Empire Rising's 15-game winning streak with a dominant 81B-47B pounding. Next up for NWoCB? The Voynich Manuscript, which has eluded scholars, but not children with paints. For ER, the question will be…how? How did such a dominant clan get smacked down so hard?

    Tgia ReBorn seemed determined to even the odds against -DeVaSt4TioN-, even going so far as to match the M.I.A. SI with one of their own, XX-BAIT-LURE-XX. Unfortunately, their own 9-game streak came to a halting end when their fishing line got tangled in ER's own, taking them both down, hook, line, and stinker. Of course, I'm sure neither NWoCB nor Dev minded much :p

    Epic Elite cleared The OutlawZ, but I have no idea how; the rewards showed how little effort apparently went into the war. Perhaps OutlawZ didn't xtal twice?

    leviathan and llllllllGlllllElllllMlllllllll both led the parade of DiViNuM FuRoReMs over the corpse of Ultra Clan, which has twice managed to drop the ball against DF. Both members earned at least 170 mith. Congrats!

    Finally, we have the extreme blowouts:

    killers united toppled New Age, 62.3 billion to 1.7 billion for a plunder victory margin of 3,408.6%. Why this clan, now on a six-game losing streak, would continue to put the same pitiful effort into the game is beyond me. 9 inactives? You have to be kidding me. (**UPDATE**: New Age is using the convenient tactic of breaking from an OSW via Estoc Trials. Sneaky, sneaky!).

    FearlessCamel, a fierce opponent I have faced innumerable times, was unfortunately missing when N_C_U - Dominion was crushed by WarLoR, which won by over 200%.

    Clan A, Kings Castle, and Battlegrounds II all defeated their opponents. In the latter's case, top-10 La Resistance was squelched for the second consecutive time. An indication of BG2's strength, or LaRes's decline?
  2. Wow good thread, props.
  3. I actually like these threads. It's sorta like the ScoreCenter app on my phone.
  4. Good foruming 
  5. @new age thing, I believe they are using it as a 2 hour break from osw.
  6. Ah yes, that would explain that. Must be refreshing for the New Agers.
  7. wow..... you blew my mind, hope you continue this if possible. war history can only go back so far thanks~~
  8. Great thread. Hope to see more.
  9. Great thread. U got me rolling laughing. Nice.
  10. Yeah! :D

    AoW got a great win today against another great clan.

    Much respect to our opponents for a well fought battle. Almost thought you guys had us for a while.
  11. Good thread and generally interesting reading, obviously a lot of effort in collecting data. But please, it's mithril not mithral.
  12. . Actually laughing hard. thanks
  13. You are correct, Sir. My stupid autocorrect keeps changing "mith" to "myth" and "mithril" to "mithral." I obviously failed to do a final check for changes to the latter.
  14. That war sure was close. But ill take a loss like that over a noob clan any day. Respect to AC.
  15. Fun read  keep it up!
  16. :idea: Great job on the scores and updates Adande. Funny, informative and easy to read.

    This is something that had been mentioned before that KAW itself should be providing post wars somewhat akin to the sports page stat columns.
  17. Ahhhhhhhh adande I love you, fantastic job.

    Btw, more caps for me next time 
  18. Well written and detailed, keep up the good job :)