cat poem Feedback

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Burningclaw, Feb 3, 2011.

  1. Vote for your favorite poem
  2. They are very good poems. I have little talent at writing poems and have a lot of respect for anyone who can.

    I have no favorite poem in particular. The tail one was quite funny and so true, and the rest of them were quite touching, especially the first stanza of the third poem.
  3. After re-reading it, the third poem is definitely my favorite.
  4. When r u gonna get over your cat obsession
  5. Feather, these were actually pretty good so please leave him alone on this thread
  6. I know they're good I read them but what's the deal with him and cats
  7. I like cats -.-
  8. 
  9. Cats rule!!!!