Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Renatum, Nov 28, 2010.

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  1. post all castle upgrad codes herr
  2. [​IMG] you lc reset 12,402 times
  3. to get a lvl 30 castle you put your device in acid then let it dry and bury in the ground for 2 years.. when you dig it up you should have a lvl30 castle
  4. Andy.. You COULD just buy it ya know -_-
  5. Here's a code:
  6. To max your castle you need to attack anyone on the lb and win 100,000 times...
  7. CODE : xIxcantxbelievexuxthinkxtheresxaxcodex
  8. Or you could attach your iPod/iPhone to a bomb and once it blows up you'll be invincible
  9. *sigh* stop lying to the noob. It's 1C4N7B3L13V3¥0U7H1NK7H3R354C0D3 for a lv three.
  10. Wehre do u enter code ??
  11. THEBlade's wall
  12. There are no castle codes. This thread is a lie. Locking it now.
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