Capping bfa. Pros VS cons

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Capricorn, Jan 29, 2014.

  1. Hello all head hunter here again. And no I am still not -headhunterz- :lol:

    Today I would like to talk about something that a few people have mentioned for ee war suggestions. Capping BFA.

    For those of you who do not know what BFA is please leave thread now :D

    Okay good got the idiots off the thread :lol:

    1. Would make the matching system easier to do due to not having to calculate all bfa stats.
    2. Would put a limit (no duh) on how much bfa someone could have, thus making them easier to hit.
    3. Make towers a bigger part of ee due to the limit of other static bonuses. Don't like that one but its cheaper usually :|
    4. Would force smaller gh/sh with insane bfa to contemplate converting to bigger builds.

    1. Would upset those who spend money on the game to increase their bfa, which in turn could cause them to stop spending as much on game. Which ata would be sad to see a lose in profit.
    2. What would a HFBC acc do with gold that would be "pointless" to build up due to not being an advantage in ee wars.
    3. Would cause the need for towers to go up because there would be a limit on other static bonuses. (No one likes towers) :cry:
    4. Would potentially slow the ally market down more then it is.

    My opinion
    I think capping bfa would have some good pros such as making lb'ers easier to hit and stuff like that. However the world we live in today seems to be money based. Why should I try to stop someone from spending money to better themselves? If you want to put 1000$ into this game to make your self better more power to you. Now I'm not saying you should or you should that's all on you haha. If this was to be implemented I think that there should be a equation made for each building you have and the level/tier of that building. This would allow a fair level for all because it would stop after being HFBC. Granted for some that will take a long time but this would still allow bigs to enjoy their bfa and still make a desire to pay to play. Also this would prevent guild hansel and shadow hansel from having insane amounts of bfa. There's my two cents :)

    I don't think capping bfa would be a good idea

    Thanks for reading my thread hope everyone enjoyed it :D If you have suggestions or other pros/cons feel free to pm me and I will try to add them in with your name next to it. :mrgreen:
  2. Head's thread

    Haha had to it ryhmes :lol: :lol: :lol:
  3. I knew that wasn't a good idea before reading the thread.

  4. Yes but I have seen this topic come up in many threads as a solution for ee wars. So thought it should be cleared up
  5. No support.

    Why ruin BFA because of some EE system that half the players do not compete in?

    Why ruin what many players worked their asses off for?

    The ally market would be even slower!

    anyhow nah, nice thread though.
  7. If you read the my opinion part I state that I would not like it to be capped lol. :roll:
  8. If that's your opinion, why did you post this?0_o
  9. Also cappign bfa would only be for the purpose of ee wars not for outside of wars. :p
    Read teh title :roll:
  10. I stated the pros and cons of capping bfa and then posted my thoughts about it.
  11. I know you dont support it. So just because you dont I cant list my opinions?
  12. My apologies somehow i got your post and southpaws post mixed up hahahaha
  13. And after rereading your post I see what you mean. You were adding to the thread haha think i need to go to bed :lol:
  14. As unfair and lopsided as ewar is I still don't support calling bfa, those people with massive bfa worked hard and spent a lot of money on it so they deserve to use it as they see fit. Couldn't really lessen the product they payed for without reimbursing them for some of it, that would just un ethical business
  15. *capping
  16. No support, some people don't do EE but like to OSW. Capping BFA would ruin it for those people.

    It's about capping BFA for EE
  18. What if instead of capping we reduced it? Instead of 2% 1%? Or .5? Or .05? Just an idea. I dont think bfa should be touched at all its part of the game and people have spent big money on bfa sooo no support to those that wis to cap it. Unless maybe an algorithm that caps it per war? Like one cal can only have 50% more in bfa in an ee war than another clan? And so if its 2 leaderboard clans that wouldnt matter but maybe rising hawks vs minas it would be a 150% cap? Does that make sense? No? Ok lol goodnight all goodluck with war!!!
  19. no support. the game's been around for what? 3-4 years, it's easier to get gold now with all the massive gold ebs. if anything ere should be a minimum stat limit to war instead of capping the maximum.