Dear Kaw, I am in the clan La Resistance and we just matched RiSK. They out stat us by 102 mil cs. I'm not here to complain about that I'm here because I cannot hit anyone in their clan roster. I can not scout anyone in their roster. I am DTW! I don't understand why we matched them when we are out stated by such a huge number and we are a man down(me)! I am a Biggerr than a HLBC gh And I am ranked in the top 3,000 on ally LB! To La, I'm sorry for not helping the team at all in the near future. To RiSK, have fun KOing me- NOT
Bro I had this before too Sotra vs chaos reborn (I think) it happens, man, just help scan or track or go to sleep or whatever lol It is unacceptable however and DEVS NEED TO PICK UP THEIR LAZY ASS ASSES AND FIX THIS ****
It may be a glitch in the game, because if you are that big then (in theory) you can hit plenty of people!
The player ranked ahead of my in our cr is warring also, he cannot hit the enemy cr either It's basically 27 vs 29 102 cs behind
Why did the git on page one say "get a real build"? Someone is butthurt that we make more money than them for a cheap price. GH rocks!
Forgot to mention the other 2 GH warring with us cannot hit them either. 26 vs 29 386 mil cs VS 488 mil cs
Devs are usually got at responding to questions . Are the hiding behind their idiotic match system?