hey fello forumers I was watching the movie 300 and I seen how a powerful group get tooken down at its prime and I went on kaw and seen that ridculous thread about that guy trying to take down zaft by his self.. Anyways I thought can zaft really ve taken down they are a huge group of player and of lb. Honestly I don't know but I think apoch can but comment below
Fml guys are u serious? It's zaft. Not a world super power. Believe it or not inside of those huge stat clans they act just like everyone else. The fact they are huge went through hard work. Why everyone wants to " bring them down " I don't know. It's just a bunch of attention seeking drama queens making threads about them being ruined or trying to think of ways they can be ruined
As long as there are New York Yankee fans and Dallas Cowboy fans there will always be Z.A.F.T. applicants A majority of new players want to be a part of the winning team at all costs. Z.A.F.T. knows how to use that effectively. But for every Emmet Smith there is a Tony Romo so there is hope for the rest of the non Z.A.F.T. world
Don't hate on romo lol.. And the comment at top no one is hating just like people asking could the USA be taken down.. Yes everyone and anyone can he is using Zaft as an example and if anything that's a compliment as to go on an on about what it would take to bring a super power down.. Every successful person knows when you're big you are always going to have "haters"
Honestly this is going to be an unbiased opinion here so you can't say I'm just gonna support every ZAFT thread here if you happen to see me post in another one. But I've played this game for so long and seeing who's in ZAFT and their stats you'd have to pit EVERYONE at ZAFT to even make a dent in them. They seriously have some high stats and number. It's insane just the idea of taking them down.