Can we please get an In-Game war schedule for pc?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by eenzian, Nov 19, 2014.

  1. I can only play KaW at the computer at the moment. It is not possible to see the war schedule on pc and it has always annoyed me, however, so far i always quickly used my phone to see when they are.

    I cannot access my phone atm and therefore need that feature more than ever.

    :!: Can we please get an In-Game war schedule for pc :?:
  2. Or just memorize the times/ ask in wc :roll:
  3. We really need this. So troublesome to look into forums and later need to convert into our own timezone. SUPPORT
  4. No support
  5. This is indeed on our list of features we'd like to add, though I don't have any sort of ETA from the devs.
  6. your not a dev?
    But your banner
  7. Is this just going to be forgotten like everything else or are you being legit?