Can the mid size build be resurrected for ee?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Joan_of_Arc, Feb 16, 2014.

  1. Hi... Just musing here about the current state of ee. Isn't it just a rumor one needs lb and gh to be successful?

    I propose the following set up for smaller clans :- no tanks, mid builds and gh/sh only - this will bring down the cs hopefully avoiding the lb/gh match ups and creating a new spectrum for which to play from.

    Happy kawing!
  2. You'll match the clans with SH/LB with Dropped equips/ not much fun 
  3. So drop eq to drop below them... There's gotta be away for mids to have fun too :)
  4. Warring as a mid sux atm . So I rarely do it any more :(
  5. Be a mid towered hybrid like myself and you will do great in war
  6. vulcan you arent a mid
  7. Are you telling me I'm a big? 
  8. Lol jk but there is 3 builds in ee LB Mids & SH (besides hansels ) I war at ZAFT so I especially fall in that mid category.
  9. Someone will figure it out eventually, I'll try my best to think of a way where mids can be used without completely changing a build
  10. Nope. Can't think of nothing 
  11. Haha if your a mid and want war become a hybrid.
  12. Kermit Here

    There are only 3 ways that i can see to bring back mids.

    1 is change plunder mechs so a large/ LB doesn't get paid as well for what is essentially a guaranteed win on a mid size build

    2 is force clans to war with a more even roster, ie internal hit ratio so clans can't overstack rosters.

    3 is encourage clans to change rosters, which the devs already tried with tightening hit ratios, but clans would prefer to no-match than get crushed.
    Another way of doing this is to create a penalty for using small (SH/GH) builds as they have significant advantages over mids as it stands.

    Make the minimum size that the matchup system can see a build as 6 mil cs.
    Anyone smaller than that is still rated as 6 mil cs so you would be at a cs disadvantage for using to many small builds,
    15-20 mil for using 5 SH 45-60 mil for using 15

    SH would still be a good war build but using to many would make matchups in oppositions favour.

    If the mid size build is brought back it would greatly reduce the no-match problem too 
  13. Vulcan, you don't look much like a hybrid either
  14. Probably Hybrid Mech, not really hybrid build though
  15. 60k/60k/1.5m/3,5m-4m
  16. Death to the hansel
  17. have a quota for every builds per war based on overall % of build analysis from kaw database : >
  18. Nope, builds like mine could go **** themselves because they spent a lot of time money building **** that got easily replaced with gh/sh -sigh- ... I'm just being butt hurt 
  19. To war a clan of mids, u need a certain # of dtw builds. You will probably no match alot, but you need at least 4 dtw sh/gh in order to prevent yourself from matching rediculously huge clans due to hit ratio. It can be done, but you have to be smart about it. After you match, its up to you to build a strategy that wins, but it can be done. We used to do it at NTNF in s2 and Udder Madness in the beginning of Chaos Wars.

    -Skippyeddo of Udder Madness
  20. Until kaw decides to change some mechanics of the game, hansels and medium builds are useless.

    Such a shame that I have wasted so much money on a game that I love to play. (Well used too anyway)

    Only things will change from my view point is too force change.

    Until the devs decide to make things equal for all people who play, I will be commuted to the following :

    1. I will NOT pay to play this game
    2. I will farm the ever living crap out of any GHSH that has estocs edge and or rancor levels
