can the devs even do second grade math?

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by TI-THE_KISSING_BANDIT-TI, Feb 27, 2016.

  1. First they put 1 day instead of two between mini events and we have to wait 3 days for our banners. Now they are trying to sell me 7 xtals for $5 when I can buy 32 for $20. Huh?
  2. If you don't want to spend $20, and just buy them for the occasional war, the extra 2 crystals for $5 not such a bad deal. If you want to spend $20, there's a deal built into the pricing. It's win/win. If ya don't like the specials, don't buy them. Go to the oracle and spend $5 for 5.
  3. Its just a way to market your product to get ppl to buy more, nothing to do with an ability to count, its like buying a bottle of coke at the store...why buy 1 for $4 when you can get 2 for $7?... they encourage you to spend more than you usually would buy making it look like more value in bulk...the reality is it still costs them 10 cents to make a bottle so the company selling it never loses profits but looks like they are helping you out by giving you "special deals"
  4. That would make more sense if it cost the devs money to make xtals . Bottom line is they are throwing you a bone. Go fetch it or don't.

    P.S. Buy the $5 offer when you're out of xtals. Check out your deal the next day. It will be better.
  5. And the forgetting to put another day between those mini events?
  6. Does anyone know what a crux chest is?
  7. The Crux Chest gives you a 100% Plunder Bonus Spell that lasts for 2 hours (only for epic battles), if you buy a Crux Key at the Marketplace! :)

  8. Do you even crux bruh??
  9. A crux chest is the devs bribing u to buy more xtals bruh lmao
  10. Dora spitting mad truth cus
  11. technically it does cost sumtin, paying employees and for utilities isn't free and while one xtal wouldn't be costed for the programing & support needed for it would be and shown against incoming revenue generated from xtals & other purchases...investors like to see numbers & it pays to show high profit margins
  12. Another marketing scheme, more events = more purchases to compete well
  13. Actually the devs can do maths quite well. You see, I can buy 10 nobs for £0.79 and do this 5 times to get 50 nobs for £3.95, or I could buy the 50 nob pack for £3.99 which is more expensive than buying 5 lots of 10 nobs
  14. You're an idiot op.
  15. Well this depends on what purchase method you use. Some methods have a fee involved such as paypal for currency conversions or have a fee unless you spend over a certain amount. So in some cases getting more of the small packages costs more.
  16. No they still in pre school math

  17. ....32-28 =4
  18. Haha. Tries to insult the devs, just not smart enough to understand the most basic marketing technique.
  19. You're not very smart huh? Please explain what that useless post meant.
  20. It is 6 for 5, so 7 for 5 is only 1 extra crystal not 2, maths was hard for me too.