can someone help

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *CoS-DJ-Smiles (01), Feb 21, 2012.

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  1. Can someone post a thread that is active and has a mod talking on it ? Cheers lads
  2. All of them, try making one worth getting a mods attn.
  3. belle likes to hang around FF section, make something decent there and I'm sure she'll give her opinion on it.
  4. I just really want to cause shît and fight with them. It gives me a kick... Lawl
  5. I just really want to cause shît and fight with them. It gives me a kick... Lawl
  6. try wc for that.
  7. This is what the once legenday cos has come to? >.>
  8. I'm permasilenced and yeah ot is dilly is the cool mod everyone else is a cockhead
  9. I can understand y ur perm silenced...
  10. Stupid noob. Shut up and stop making forum threads. Ur mentally handicapped. I wish u get forum banned
  11. /locked. 
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