can i sell castle?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by lllIIIlllIIIlllIIIllllIIIlllII, Jan 20, 2014.

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  1. If i have castle level 2 can i sell the castle? coz i cant sell it at level 1
  2. I want to try it lol
  3. You are a disgrace to all barcodes.
  4. No you cannot sell any level castle. That doesn't even make sense to sell your headquarters of main operations in your kingdom.
  5. It depends what real estate company u choose ...

    But actually no you can't sell the castle at any time.
  6. No no and just no. :( /lock
  7. Who would want to do that?? :roll:
  8. It is impossible to sell your castle. You can upgrade it, to levels 2 and 3, but not get rid of it.
  9. [colour=59df44]h[/colour][colour=af015d]i[/colour]
  10. reeb-bomb-do-not-buy has sold his castle :lol:

    if that name is wrong search for reeb99 scout his ally Reebbomb or whatever
  11. Sell it and lose your alchemist and mage :)
  12. are u mentally sane
  13. I'm pretty sure you can't, but I heard if you wall some guy named Swabia, he might be of some use.

    Good luck! ️
  14. It gives me option to sell castle o.o
    Doesn't mean I would do it tho lol
  15. You CAN downgrade your castle.. Just click on reset button.

    Works every time!
  16. wow, just wow.
  17. I'm serious Reeb99 s alt has no castle, he sold it :/ don't believe me? scout it and see
  18. Spragga can sell it for you.
    Find him in the deepest matrix of KaW
  19. When sell it you unlock blackcelebinator butthurt wall posts
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