can i earn plunder for my spies ?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by renamed9874929, Apr 4, 2013.

  1. Beside from stealing in E.b
  2. Stealing from players
  3. YES. You earn from all actions, scouting, stealing, and assassinations. The amount you earn is similar to troop earning, more when your spies are higher, and less when they are lower.
  4. ^Clarification ... You earn from all actions in EBs.
  5. OP, in future, ask questions in dillybar's thread it will decrease the amount of threads being locked and the forum mods won't have so much things to bother about. And.. Question answered.

    /lock please.
  6. Correction to KingRDC's post:

    You earn (in the form of endbonus) from all "successful" actions in an EB.

    As he pointed out, the endbonus for a successful spy action will depend on your spytroop level.
    As a spy build, your plunder will be much higher if you're only skimming your spy troops instead of doing full unloads.
  7. Yes you can earn plunder through all Actions :)
    I make 26mill a hit in haunt and 31mill a Assn in haunt :)

    Question answered
    /lock please