can anybody help me on the spragga build?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *-Clarkey- (01), Jul 4, 2014.

  1. All stables!
  2. Hmm do all lookout towers most op build ever
  3. Is op serious ? 
  4. Spragga doesn't have a build. Builds have Spragga.
  5. Somebody told me to build the spragga build? Guess there just goons that cant help nobody properly
  6. Op, there is no such thing as a spragga build. The idiots who told you that are immature 8 year olds that are using mommy's IPhone without permission.
  7. You need the castle code first.
  8. Who were the people who told you to build the spragga build
  9. I hate people who mess with new people to the game
  10. The spragga joke is gettin kinda stale, it has now been replaced with strawb3rry
  11. Well first you have to sell your castle and leave that spot open.
    Next, build spy towers in a cirle around that open plot.
    Then, build factories at all four corners.
    Next, at midnight, draw a pentagram in the open slot and sacrifice 10,000 soldiers to the Warbeast.
    As you sacrifice them, chant "Oh Mighty Spragga, Bless me With your Build! "
    Next, Buy 3 Horns and blow them at the same time.
    Then wait.

    If successful, you will have his legendary build the next day.
    Good luck.