Cam Newton

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by SINllllllIIIIIlllXlll, Feb 8, 2016.

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  1. Never before have I been so happy to see a sports player fail....I mean OK Allen Iverson was pretty ghetto...but his teams always sucked...Latrell Spreewell....was too busy choking white coaches to do anything with his career but anyways...

    Cam Newton is a blatant racist. He is the exact meaning of the word Thug and a poor example of an African American....the problem is is black kids look at his "swag" and ghetto antics and idolize this behavior. Even the fluff piece by cbs before the game on him was disgusting.....the balding sports anchor stating how great of a person and misunderstood cam is....

    are you kidding me?.....misunderstood? hes an arrogant bag of dicks. everything about this guy screams A-Hole. He is not a role model. He is not superman but rather Ghetto-Man.

    He is 100% what is wrong with inner city America. The Black culture and black racism that destroys this country. When he stormed off the podium post game after sulking for 10 min I laughed out loud....comparing his arrogance before game to this pile of dung sitting there after ,,,,,he was what I said all along and I was vindicated.

    You can take a turd out of the toilet and shine it up.....but its still a turd.

    raise your kids better and don't idolize trash like cam newton. End the hate. Don't promote hateful halftime shows like that fat pig beyonce and her "hands up don't shoot" bs....really nfl you allowed an anti white anti cop halftime show? does roger goodell have a concussion?

    I'm kinda glad that within 20 years the NFL will ne no more. yeah laugh now but concussions will take the nfl down from #1 to flag football to nothing.

    its ok though because its one less way to make ghetto fab millionaires that don't deserve to have that money. yeah I'm talking about you cam.

    Obama started this crap...8 years of a racist president who believe it or not is actually half white...has divided this country more than it ever has been in my lifetime. Stacey Dash said it best.....

    get rid of BET, Black history month .....why do we support segregation for one skin color? its pathetic.
  2. Wow.

    I support this statement 100%. Cam Newton is an arrogant ass and I was rooting against the panthers just to see him fail.

    And obama comment is dead on.
  3. I didn't think I could hate someone more than tom Brady, but, a panthers said "challenge accepted!" And gave me cam newton.

    He looked like such an ass strutting around in his superman shirt pre game.
    Also, after his loss, he walked out in the middle of an interview. What a child.

    I remember when manning lost his Super Bowls and he sat around for an hour and took questions. He didn't stomp off.

    Basically, if you gloat when you win, you need to be there and man up when you lose
  4. Great thread, btw
  5. I was happy to see cam lose too.

    Did anyone else see him throwing temper tantrums like a 5 year old on the sidelines and in the end zone? He literally fell to the ground kicking and screaming like a baby.
  6. I'm glad manning won, he should retire with a victory now. I'd hate for him to play till he isn't worth watching. Idk much about the panthers or cam, it is pretty obvious tho that BET would catch so much flak if it was called W(White)ET.
  7. Props to anyone who can post that here as a gif

  8. I died laughing when I saw this
  9. So gesturing "im not dangerous don't shoot me" is anti-white?

    Begging for your life is anti white?

    Sure shows what white people do to get these acts of "racism" against them.....
  10. I wanna see the cam-trum in the end zone gif., it has to be gold
  11. I can't find end zone camtrum lol. The side line camtrum was easy to find.
  12. Camtrum, this has to be a coined phrase

  13. Stealing this gif
  14. Damn just damn!
  15. The mean words towards Beyonce were a little unessesaary, but I agree her hands up don't shoot was a little to political for the superbowl. And on Cam Newton... Isn't it great that Aaron Rodgers is such a great guy and a great quarterback? :p
  16. How do I take Figure8's gif? I love it!
  17. "Down with the racists! Equality, Equality, Equality! All Lives Matters (Besides Racists)!" Said no racist like myself, ever.
  18. Thank you for this thread, couldn't agree more.
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