Calling out Merc Inc

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Chopper07, May 20, 2012.

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  1. Just wondering why Merc Inc is so butt hurt about SOH kicking their ass. Mercs lie and cheat and then get pinned constantly. Even admin admits they were wrong (got ss to prove it)... But yet they wanna keep fighting from pin...
    Merc inc is weak and we will prove it
  2. ss or it didn't happen.
  3. Agreed .
    I want to see proof

    Not read that there's proof
  4. If they're so weak, why did you have to make a thread about it? Hitting wins wars, not useless posts. :roll:
  5. Merc inc not obay the rules that were set for the SW. Then they put up big mouth tooGood luck SOHWhack them hard.

  6. I swear that about 75% of lb are in OSW? What I miss
  7. Rules for war??? . What a joke! Go Mercs inc!!! You know who to call if you need help
  8. It comes down to the results of a system war, after which a guest posted that mercenary inc are all cowards as they spent the whole war pinning themselves.
    As a result they farmed and stripped him understandably.

    However, we're in this mess as two of their members chose to hit the admins and owners of SoH, leading to an OSW.

    As some of the mercenary inc admins have already said they will deal with the players in their clan later, we're left with the question as to why they decided to allow them to take it this far.
  9. @zoso rules were for system war between friendly clans. No rules in OSW. And if you want a piece of the action join merc. Otherwise be quiet.
  10. Congratulations calling someone out on the Internet that took guts didn't it?
  11. @chopper07 worry about Mercs inc before you temp others to join them. If you really wanted me in this war you know how easy that would be to do, my news feed awaits.  that is all.
  12. SoH.. Kick there butt -M0NKEY- and -Buzz- cry the most target them..
  13. C'mon SS's already!
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