Calling farmer_tracker out!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by IxXxl___xREDx_xPANDAx___IxXxl, Nov 14, 2012.

  1. You know, farmer, you just keep bashing me and bashing me and bashing me. I want YO 1v1 you, and see who can "handle" a 1v1! Come at me bro!
  2. Lock please because OP is too stupid to look at stats.
  3. L0l farmer your stats suck
  4. Aww, is poor little farmer_tracker too little for me to hit? Oh well! Stop bashing me you little ***hole!
  5. Either one of you have alts I can farm?
  6. :lol: this is funny.
    Sorry to pull your name into this, Pinky, but I can't help myself.

    It's okay for people like Pinky who are in big clans to call noobs out without checking stats first, but it's not okay for people like Alpaca, who are just playing the game, to do it? Yep makes a whole lot of sense. Seems too many people on this game are stuck in their own little reality (/)_<
  7. No I checked his stats, and now I'm waiting for him to hurry up so I can hit him!
  8. Alpaca do some research before calling someone out.
  9. Well all I'm saying is you talk the talk but can't walk the walk, so shut up
  10. Good so you know I was in LR at one time and participated in one war with them during summer wars, before i went inactive?
  11. Find us two clans and we will system war so there isn't a dtw.
  12. Then you left for o c u l u s
  13. I don't want a system war, I don't want clans involved
  14. Here's a pro tip for you: Learn to read.
  15. Just me and you no one else.
  16. Okay well if you were a member of LR and it's okay for Pinky to call people out without checking stats, then I don't think you get to put anyone else down for doing the same thing.
  17. Where does pinky come up at all in this?
  18. Heres what happened: I was being farmed And I came to o c u l u s and they said they could help. I went and they said they wouldn't help me even tho he was much bigger than me. I left and came to LR. he then started bashing me for not being able to handle a 1v1 where the guy was much bigger than me. I got sick of a guy too small for me to hit so I called him out.
  19. The hell did we just talk about on pal? Omg