Calling all old HoL members and friends still around

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by BeCkY_420, Nov 3, 2016.

  1. Alright so it's been brought up for debate as to who was the dirtest member in HoL and I decided to bring the debate here to forums and have a vote as to who it was my vote is that it was and still is our most beloved Ginger Jamie now my question is who do you guys think it was also who was the biggest trouble maker that was in HoL to me that is a toss up between jamie bax makki and pup honestly my bet is those 4 will tie for who's the biggest trouble maker. What are your guys thoughts and opinions 
  2. Jamie definitely the dirty boy
    Bax is #1 kaw troublemaker of all time  js 
  3. Dirtest? Did you mean dirt test by any chance? And what's an HOL?
  4. HoL was a clan I decided to take our debate from cc as to who from our old clan was the dirtiest since we are not spread out threw kaw as to who they thought it was
  5. Im sure i have Apoc's vote
  6. Bax that isn't who I was asking a vote from I clearly stated HoL then again you do have a point heck half of kaw probably would say your a trouble maker
  7. Edit: Devastation and derailing posts removed. - Enjoy.
  8. Thank you :*
  9. Becky dirtiest, always has always will be 
  10. It's a cross between Rob and you becky
  11. Probably me. I bathe in chicken broth, and it isn't very cleansing
  12. How about the most drunk and unstable?
  13. Would still vote say jamie for that
  14. Cookies was always a trouble maker...wonder what ever happened too that tough little cookie...
  15. You were not that bad as I was never a member
  16. I wonder also lol he's definitely up there with bax pup makki and jamie you are right
  17. Psshhht bax hands down
  18. HoL as the first HoL ran by White orr?
  19. HoL ran by omega/emo