I cont look at my CA I turn to world chat then move back to clan chat it still the same and I'm in EE war how am I suppose to see the CA Sorry for spelling just rushing
On an iPhone or iPod? Click to ally or world chat and then click back to CC. It's a known bug at the moment
Lol I think I try that Just that I cont keep turning off my app and turn it on in war .... Think KAW need to sort this out fast
restart the app (close from multitask then re open) or if you're feeling like a badass turn off your phone a turn it back on and casually go onto kaw. You're a real badass you'll even put you phone in your pocket as you wait
I have a similar issue although tapping on wc then back on cc fixes the issue for me. Still, it is very annoying to have this bug every time I start up the app. I hope the devs do something about ot soon.
I've noticed this. I guess devs will patch in next update. Just click on world chat and back to clan chat
They addressed the issue and put out a notice that they are working on it for now if click ally chat then clan chat again it should be fine
I have restated phone it work and thanks I have said that I when to World chat and back to Cc still same PLZ read before you post Hope devs fix or ASAP
Well, acetown, the same thing happens to me, and (as I read OP completely) it will fix itself if you click on ally chat then click clan chat again. Mind=blown.
Omet he said nothing about switching to ally then back to cc so therefore I would not be referring to you or anyone who mentioned that way. There were quite a few who said it was a known bug and to switch to world chat and back. Which he said he had done. So if you read it completely and gave him a different way of trying to fix it then awesome. Mind=Blown