Buying allies

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by XxX-Arceus-XxX, Jun 7, 2010.

  1. I am tired of people posting on my wall with threat or cursing after I buy their allies. Here I want to say it once and for all,
    I buy many allies from ally search result and I can NOT see the owners. It is NOT personal. I am sorry if I bought at a bad time.
    Trust me, if I want to strip you, I will personally attack you after buying. And if you post profanity on my wall I will .....
    But those people who don't know how this works will probably not look here either.... Sigh
  2. Lol.. Some folks take their game too seriously
  3. @jason: some people just don't like it when the time they spent investing into this game goes to waste. Example: when a completely random person buys an ally of yours while you are in a war. sometimes you can reinvest before it gets farmed away, sometimes you just went to bed and have nothing left when you return. I know I was irrate when I lost all my allies and their profits during the war my clan had with Army of Darkness.
  4. Lmao. I buy and sell a lot of allies everyday and never have ppl pissed at me for that.
    Maybe you are just overreacting.
  5. Arsh is on my news feed buying my allies 10-20 times a day....keep it up ๎€Ž๎€Ž๎€Ž

    its called making money you lazy arses
  6. I'm one of those people....

    But as a spy with all guilds and one forge, getting bought out can b dangerous, and you didn't help your cause by not responding to my posts.

    I asked u at least 5 times to please respond. Yet u didn't and continued buying....

    If u want people to stop bitching at you, then at least have the decency to respond.

    That is my 2 cents
  7. Omfg if someone forbids me to buy an ally i do it even more just to piss the whiner off. I also never do this with stripping purpouses but if smn moans about it, and i hate moaning, i will buy the ally. Everyone is working hard so everyone has the right to own good allies. If u don't want your allies to be hired hire those with bad stats.EOT.
  8. Haha buns. I wasn't aware of that.. maybe cuz you don't buy back ;p

    ally trading is crazy money๎„†
  9. And necro- don't think it was personal or sth. But if u r afraid of being stripped during wartime u can always change a build because noone forces u or anyone else to play spybuild. Both builds have its disadvantages and this is just one of them sorry.
  10. Um I wasn't complaining about my build.....

    I know the risks that come with being a spy......I'm just saying, when u have 50 allies and 32 of them are bought by the same person, it raises an eyebrow. And then after making numerous attempts to try to reach them they still haven't responded?? Come on....u can't tell me that you wouldn't start to get defensive.....

    I would rather try to stop a potential problem BEFORE it happens....because if I wait till afterwords.....well you can't do much afterwords.....

    I think I covered everything.....maybe....
  11. If he bought from a certain range, then it's market.
    If the range vary a lot, he's shopping from you.
    The latter seems to be the case.
  12. Look,

    I don't have a problem with's fine now, but did he really need to make a thread about it? Obviously people are getting mad, because he doesn't respond and continues buying......
  13. Yup :) I do the same like arsh :D Master Arsh* :p No one ever gets mad t me when I buy allies =\ sometimes they ask me if they could keep them and I let it go LOL if they ask me nicely that is. But if they ask me rudely, I will buy that ally till he stops buying back xD
  14. Something super annoying is when I have $30-50b in allies bought away from me over a few hours if I'm sleeping or just away from the game or whatever, and then when I'm hiring allies through the ally hire screen, looking through page after page after page after page of allies for some good ones (which have become super rare in the past week or so) and then somebody is posting my wall, expecting me to leave page 35 out of 70 of result on the ally hire screen. Yeah right! Like I'm gonna walk away from being halfway through the ally hire search.

    And if you're running a build during war where your allies are being bought away and you're losing money because of it, then you are obviously playing the game wrong and have a couple choices how to fix it. You should definitely not buy underpriced allies who are gonna get bought away from you unless you have a build that can protect money. You can change your build, you can buy crap allies and volley them up, but you cannot expect the game's ally market to bend itself to fit whatever mold you think it ought to.

    There are like three or four people that buy $20b worth of my allies every single day. That's awesome, actually. That's how the market works, and the correct reason to buy allies with awesome stats for price is so they can be bought away as much as possible so you can make money. That $20b in allies bought from me everyday by this guy? I shd be thanking him for givin me 1.5% of $20b, shouldn't I?
  15. It's simply not possible to check owners before u buy. And I don't check my wall all the time. When I buy hundreds of allies, my news feed is clogged with buying back messages I just ignore them.
    But I always try to write back and say sorry if I see a note on my wall. Unless the person threatens me or use profanity, which I don't tolerate.
    We r in a war and I don't have time explain to every person writting on my wall, thus the post. For those who saw this post I hope u understand now. Thank you for your attention.
  16. To show how ridiculous it is for someone to use profanity over 3+ ally buys, I will try to let u see how my allies r bought sometimes. Not sure the screenshots will show though since I've not done this before.
